NFL 2016 Offseason Thread - Fins' Quest to Defend Their Crown

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
I think you're confused about my love? for Bradford?It's not very high.. I don't see him as a guy that will get us to the promise land, I just think he's our best bet to be competitive next season.
No one has said you love Bradford, take your strawman and play elsewhere with him. What we have said is that what you think is a meager expectation for Bradford is fucking delusional. Claiming Romo is injury prone and can't hold up while claiming that Bradford and the Eagles will go 9-7 makes you look even more retarded, Romo is more durable than Bradford while being 8 years older. Let that cognitive dissonance set in, the injury prone Romo won't make it an entire year and Sam Bradford will lead the Eagles to 9-7.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is a ton of arguing between two fan bases that let the Redskins win the division...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No one has said you love Bradford, take your strawman and play elsewhere with him. What we have said is that what you think is a meager expectation for Bradford is fucking delusional. Claiming Romo is injury prone and can't hold up while claiming that Bradford and the Eagles will go 9-7 makes you look even more retarded, Romo is more durable than Bradford while being 8 years older. Let that cognitive dissonance set in, the injury prone Romo won't make it an entire year and Sam Bradford will lead the Eagles to 9-7.

We will hopefully find out :)


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I really like Tunsil but I am concerned about his injuries. Injury prone is something the Chargers don't need.


Ssraeszha Raider
I think this is where the notion of "worth" gets muddy. In the long term Bosa is probably a better investment. But in the short term Zeke is an NFL ready tailback and the Cowboys proved with a complete every-down RB behind Romo they're an outstanding offense. Which is why I said go all-in and get Zeke and try to win. If they take Bosa I feel the window for Romo is closed and they need to find their new starting QB.
McFadden killed it the second half of last year when he became the primary back despite a non-existent passing game. They also signed Morris as a safety net so even if Zeke is great, it's just not that much of an upgrade.

I'd honestly go Ramsey or Tunsil. With Ramsey and the return of Scandrick, they're secondary would be pretty damn good.

Tunsil because fuck your pass rush


Golden Squire
Last year was a fluke. Ravens will probably be back on track again this year.
I think they'll bounce back but that's still a tough division to be in. I'm not saying it's a given but Dallas is probably going to be back on track too, so call it a toss-up and since I'm a homer I think Dallas wins.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think it's clear the Eagles are the favorites in the NFC East. Likely for 10+ wins. Giants probably around 7 or 8. Skins and Cowboys fans hoping to hit 6 wins this year.

It is known.

If you're Convo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Never said that. Giants will win division tho. Skins overrated and Dallas is just dallas.. same ole story! I'll be happy at 8-8


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I really hope this rumor isn't true, but I will repeat it anyway. 49ers may trade their 2nd round pick and Kaepernick to the Broncos for their first round pick, in hopes of getting Cook. WTF

So they would essentially be getting rid of Kaepernick and moving up 8 spots (end of 1st instead of early 2nd) in order to get Connor fucking Cook. Of course this still hinges on Kaepernick taking a pay cut, which sounds like he isn't interested in doing.