I didn't watch. What was new about it? Other than the usual platform stuff we have seen in the other games?
\May ask for Switch for Father's Day.Utnayan talk me outa it
Xeno games have always had awful character designs, I don't know why.
Word on the street is that Monster Hunter World is a mainline MH game and that Monster Hunter XX isn't getting released on the Switch outside of Japan.
its official
so PS4, xbox, and PC get Monster Hunter 5, Japan gets monster XX on switch, and NA/Europe switch owners get nothing
So which is it? Is the fucking Switch a handheld or not? When people complained about it's lackluster power the defense force were all quick to pull the handheld angle, now that one of the premiere handheld titles isn't going to see the light of day outside Japan it's only a console. Seriously, make up your minds.
Oh, and if it's only a console and consoles are dead in Japan, why is Japan the only place in the world getting a Switch version? And if it's a handheld why isn't it getting released everywhere like every other handheld version? The spin is making me dizzy, I can't keep up with the excuses anymore.
So which is it? Is the fucking Switch a handheld or not? When people complained about it's lackluster power the defense force were all quick to pull the handheld angle, now that one of the premiere handheld titles isn't going to see the light of day outside Japan it's only a console. Seriously, make up your minds.
I have no idea who exactly you are arguing with in this thread.
Well then I guess I don't get your argument. He is making no claims as to what the switch is or isn't.The post directly above mine. I should have quoted it but because they were successive posts it seemed pretty evident what I was replying to.