You pay way more attention to how the switch is doing versus I do and I own one bro. I get that you hate this thing, but not all of us owners do. I bet Mario moves at least a million switch units because Mario.
I have already been through this as to why I pay so much attention to it. Nintendo launched an early access console in a panic mode without any features and in fact, took the console itself back to 2002 with regards to basic design aside from the slip and slide mechanic. I care (Still) because I know what Nintendo could do, as it sits right in front of their faces, yet again, but people buy into their low effort shit. I want to see a console worth a shit come out of Nintendo this century before I die, and money talks. If people let Nintendo slip by with selling this type of garbage, the chances of ever seeing anything remotely worthy keeps dwindling.
And everything they need to do is SO simple and should have been done before they had a prototype. Nintendo fans putting their hands to their ears doesn't help...
But, sales are tanking now. The Demographic target is completely off kilter to sway even more 3rd party away since they know how much their products sell in Japan, so install base won't matter when they look at the percentages of target, and Nintendo will go back to the drawing board. Hopefully this next time with something that doesn't bring us back to the stone age of feature parity because their culture doesn't match 99% of the world.
In Layman's terms: A saturated (Unbalanced) Japanese market is bad for the Switch with a majority of 3rd party in mainstream. Mainstream AAA games do not sell in Japan. I am talking anything from Skyrim, LA Noire, GTA 5, Witcher 3, Evil Within 2, Divinity 2, etc. This list can go on forever.
Once these publishers break down the actual target penetration numbers, they will look at how many units have saturated their higher base of sale for their games. If 34% of that install is in Japan, you can kiss anything relevant being launched for it out the window. With that said, another issue is arising that I saw from miles away. Most AAA games do NOT translate well to portable. People want to sit on the couch, full audio, some have 4k, maybe headphones, with full comfortable controls and they WANT the best experience. Similar to how you are not going to go see the new Star Wars movie via your iphone and ear buds. So that's another issue altogether.
A 3rd issue is all this would have been fine, had they made the console powerful enough to GIVE that experience for AAA games while docked, with an option to just bring it around. The portable option could then fall flat on battery life and control (Which it is anyway) as long as it was only a side gimmick not to be taken seriously with the docked experience which gives a full experience rivaling today's consoles.
Their 1st party market is growing up quickly. I can ask a 5 year old who Mario is and they don't have the first fucking clue, and the older market is becoming disenfranchised with the industry as a whole because of shit that Warner Brothers and EA are pulling with P2W mechanics.
They have a VERY strong opportunity next console release to make it VERY impactful.
But they aren't going to do jack shit if they can make money releasing half assed shit.