Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I doubt that will be the case at least for the first week or two. After that I have no idea

I dunno man. Unless Nintendo didn't make very many of them, I imagine it'll be like the Xbox one launch week: Extremely disappointing.
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<Bronze Donator>
I would have preordered one if it let me use my 3ds games on it. Just seems like a pretty lame consol to put out right now.


Molten Core Raider
I dunno man. Unless Nintendo didn't make very many of them, I imagine it'll be like the Xbox one launch week: Extremely disappointing.
target it doing nothing but walk in's no preorder. Best buy will also have some for walk int at midnight. If you dont get one, try target at 8am, thats my plan..


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm not buying this probably ever.

My Wii U sat and collected dust for like three years. Xenoblade was the only game I played on it extensively.

My kids wouldn't even play the fucking thing.

Nintendo is a great game developer.

But they cannot compete in the console market any more, imo.

Gimmickry has worked for them exactly one time with the Wii. The 3ds flopped until they gave up trying to push the 3d aspect of it, and turned it into just a regular JRPG playing device, which is the only thing that saved it: Weaboos.

Its just not seeming to me like the Switch is going to repeat the Wii's gimmick + widespread appeal to normies = massive mega dollary doo profits for Nintendo.

I expect this will be, if not their last console, their second to last.

Shareholders are going to start really screaming for heads if the Switch doesn't take off.
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Buzzfeed Editor
The 3d is cool, it's just not vital to the system or the games in any way. It is a step, but it has to be something beyond just cool before anyone gives a shit.

I'm still having a hard time justifying the Switch. My kids enjoy the Wii U but they only play in spurts, they seem to forget it easily. When I was a kid you needed the jaws of fucking life to get me off the NES. It may be because they just have so many more options these days. We will see though, maybe Christmas I could see getting this for the kids if the game selection has come around. For me, as a hardcore Nintendo guy all my life, I'm just not feeling it. And it is down to games. I got a PS4 and there are so many good games I don't have time to play them all. For every Nintendo generation I'm left waiting for the next Zelda or Mario game, they've abandoned their other good franchises and don't really pursue the stuff you see on other systems. Disappointing as fuck.
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Trakanon Raider
Oh give me a break kid.

The features and applications inside the switch bring it back to the fucking stone ages. No app support, No Virtual Console on launch with zero date given to append it back in, shoddy hardware as we have seen with Joycon's losing connection input lag past 7 feet into the 200-300 ms range, no force click to attach the joycons to the portable tablet (Of which they make a very good point in that those will get worn down and without a force click, it will not be long before people are taping those things on there. It isn't hyperbole either. It's degradation of Hardware over time), a half baked online service which REQUIRES the use of a completely separate device to use, an online premium service of which no one knows what the subscription cost is yet but we already know you won't get to keep that one NES/SNES multiplayer game after the month is up (Again, against the current standard) along with completely inflated pricing on accessories.

There is nothing "Video games aren't for you" about it. It's God Damn common sense.

This is the most ass backward alpha release of a console we have ever seen to date. So, here is what Nintendo needs to do.

They need to either revert charging for multiplayer, or add standard value in today's world to keep NES/SNES games they get after the first month. I mean Christ, this should have been a no brainer to bring value to the customer. They need to quickly address the glaring hardware issues as it stands. They need to quickly adopt the virtual console market. Now, I wouldn't even mind paying $50-60 a year for their service if they just included their back library while you are subscribed (NES and SNES titles they port over, over time.) Can you imagine the people that would buy that? Including me?

There are so many things wrong with this launch. Sorry you are getting ass hurt over someone telling you what you do not want to hear as you gear up to play Zelda and wish for pie in the sky while this entire launch with hardware down to consumer ethics to customer value reverts us back to 1999.

Nothing you just stated is based in reality. You can't talk about how the joy cons will break or not stay in place when the thing hasn't even fucking come out yet! Every system breaks over time. Crying like a faggot because some time in the next 5 years the joy con may not stay in place as well as it did day 1 is just retarded. Basically what you're stating is that no X-Box or Playstation controller or part has ever broken ever. Nice try.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I get everyone's complaints about this. However, for me most of those criticisms are not applicable and I imagine there's a pretty fair market of people like me.

I don't own a WiiU or 3DS (or PS4/XBone). I do 0% of my gaming in front of a television. I'm either in bed after the wife/kids are asleep, on my PC, or traveling. I will never use the dock, ever. 1080p framerates and controller connection strength are non-issues. From my perspective, this is an upscale Nintendo portable and my first opportunity to play AAA Zelda/Mario in a decade.

That said, I'm still going to hold off and see how the reviews work out because I'm a miser. I've been burned enough that I don't pre-order anything on principle. I want to see what kind of virtual console support there's going to be, how the launch goes, and what developer announcements look like in the first month or two. There goddamn well better be a Metroid coming.


Karazhan Raider
Lol yeah that CNet thing was pretty weak.

However, Giant Bomb, the latency issues, the complaints about online and the value added service, no VC at launch, and the other things listed - those are all valid complaints.

Obviously if I ever want to play VC NES/SNES games, my 3DS XL does just fine with all of those today.

I mean I agree with most of the complaints, but to me they aren't the sky is falling situations that you perceive them as.

We don't really know what the online value is, but the price came out as $20-25 depending on exchange rate. And let's be honest, even with the games being only 30 day rentals I will still probabaly use that more than any of the garbage games PS+ and Xbox gold have been pushing in the last year or so.

The requiring a phone or tablet thing is dumb for voice chat, but I can't really see myself using voice chat much anyways. And I do have a phone at all times, so it's not even really inconvenient just a very odd restriction.

The latency thing would be bad, and I guess I'll see if it actually affects me or not. I'm guessing not.

Not too worried about the VC since it has got to be a high priority for them. They know they will make money on it, and delaying just hurts them. In typical Nintendo fashion their communication is atrocious on this. They probabaly won't even mention it until they release it.

The accessory cost is probabaly $10 too high across the board (maybe like $40 too high for the dock), but the recent $25 off 100 Best Buy VCO deals have helped out (for me at least)

Basically it comes down to whether you would use the thing mobile for any significant amount of time. If you wouldn't, then yeah this thing is overpriced and underpowered.

The main thing the switch does even if Nintendo won't admit it yet is reconsolidates their Dev team. All signs point toward them being done producing for the 3ds, which will leave the switch as their only platform. Their first party games are their lifeblood, and more rapid releases might be enough to keep the switch from being a failure. That doesn't justify a day one purchase or anything, but long term it should help them
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Nothing you just stated is based in reality. You can't talk about how the joy cons will break or not stay in place when the thing hasn't even fucking come out yet! Every system breaks over time. Crying like a faggot because some time in the next 5 years the joy con may not stay in place as well as it did day 1 is just retarded. Basically what you're stating is that no X-Box or Playstation controller or part has ever broken ever. Nice try.

You are out of your fucking mind or trolling. Every feature that has been warped is known fact. Any app that isn't on the console is known fact. No VC until whenever they decide to come out with it is known fact. Keeping one game for a month (NES/SNES) but having to buy it after that month is a known fact. Unlike you I follow the facts instead of letting Pony Princess Fanboy guide my purchasing decisions. Do I think you are a moron? Yep. But it's your cash. Have fun with your broken rushed console I guess?

As far as the controllers, let me know the last time a Dual Shock 4, Dual Shock 3, Xbox Controller, Xbox Controller S, Xbox 360 controller, or Xbox One/Elite controller starting getting input lag in the 300ms range (This is documented with video wise ass) at 7 feet. The Xbox One has input delay if users use the HDMI pass through on the console, and Microsoft won't let people turn off post processing in the game console which renders game mode on the display useless. (Unless that has changed, that is one I do not follow)
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ok just saw the online price reveal. Was on a cruise ship when that came out. :)

Still.... They should be charging $50 a year, having the online service on the console, not require a second device, include VC games for the life of a subscription, and watch them sell 100 million in 5 years. That is the smart thing to do. And at the very least mirror the Eshop user account to give access to shit already purchased instead of segmenting that across console gens.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Metroid 4 is being made. Supposedly (No source on this obviously) it was supposed to be out in time for launch but the entire multiplayer component needed to be scrapped, along with some other online functionality which was crucial to the single player component of the game from a feature perspective, and now it's delayed to fall 2018. What it basically sounded like to me was Nintendo Switched (Sorry) gears on the multiplayer services component less than 3 months before reveal and fucked all of it up for developers working on those types of games. Some Indie's were able to adjust quickly but others weren't so lucky.

I can 100% guarantee you a Metroid Game on the switch. Expect to see something at E3 2017.


Buzzfeed Editor
Metroid 4 is being made. Supposedly (No source on this obviously) it was supposed to be out in time for launch but the entire multiplayer component needed to be scrapped, along with some other online functionality which was crucial to the single player component of the game from a feature perspective, and now it's delayed to fall 2018. What it basically sounded like to me was Nintendo Switched (Sorry) gears on the multiplayer services component less than 3 months before reveal and fucked all of it up for developers working on those types of games. Some Indie's were able to adjust quickly but others weren't so lucky.

I can 100% guarantee you a Metroid Game on the switch.
Every time I think I'm out... they pull me back in

I haven't heard a word about this. Not that I doubt you, jsut weird that they kept it this quiet and aren't hyping it at all. Google is just showing bullshit clickbait rumors.


Potato del Grande
I can't wait for the Switch hardware revision where they fix everything and there are more than 2 games out worth playing. See ya'll in 2 years.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I mean its about that time for Nintendo to start bringing up some of the B+ team like Metroid again.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Every time I think I'm out... they pull me back in

I haven't heard a word about this. Not that I doubt you, jsut weird that they kept it this quiet and aren't hyping it at all. Google is just showing bullshit clickbait rumors.

Yeah I disagree with that decision. But it's Nintendo. They must think it would detract from their core of Mario and Zelda.


Trakanon Raider
I figured they threw the Metroid franchise under the bus when the put out that shitty 3DS game last year that no one wanted. I haven't heard anything about a Metroid 4 but guess it's not impossible.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Sylux and Samus will be involved.

But I really hope by fall 2018 the system is fixed and sold into the base.

Which is what sucks about this hardware currently. If this doesn't sell into homes quickly, publishers will be pulling out left and right early on for fears of another Wii U debacle. And right about now, Nintendo seems to be doing everything to NOT sell into the base with really shitty feature decisions.

You throw $60 a year for online play and a Nintendo Subscription and give away the VC while subscribed.... Do you know how much revenue that would generate? How core penetrating would go up? How much 3rd party would increase? And how much money they would make? (Along with making sure Metroid 4 doesn't get cancelled due to a lack of installed base.)

It's unbelievable how they are missing the boat on that.
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