Nioh (Team Ninja)


A nice asshole.
"Beat" the game, saw credits roll at least...then they are like oh you have sooooo much more shit to do. Get to getting gud!

Can't find hours played anywhere. Best guess is 40-50ish hours. Found a heavy set called obsidian six pieces includes an axe and get rank A damage scales with endurance, I about splooged when I saw that. It is heaviest set I have seen so far though and likely take 80-90 endurance to use with B agility.

NG+ info minor spoilers. You unlock the ability to power up your spirits. Divine weapons start dropping with ridiculous skills and twilight missions are level 250+

Was kind of hoping beating the game would mean I can start sleeping again but nope I want that six piece!

Just for giggles I tried a rank 250 mission, archers had boss levels of XP and armored swordsmen were bear unkillable. Full theee hit combo that does about 3500 damage didn't even move his health bar.


Trump's Staff
Way too much twitch in it and the controls are not as clean (even compared to BB).
Wrong. This game is not twitchy at all, it's extremely methodical. Just like Dark Souls, every enemy has a trick or pattern to exploit to make them easy. The controls are more responsive than DS ever has been, especially when you get into stance/weapon changes in the middle of combos.

If you think it's too hard, coast through the game with sloth talismans.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Love the game but I am just straight up shit at it, played for a about 3-4 hour last night I thought I was rocking it with how I dealt with the Tower of London then when I got off the ship my god lost count of the ammount of times I have died not even made it to a boss yet.

I am using swords and duel swords combo with medium armor I just feel so squishy 1 mistake and good buy me. I suck at doing the Ki R1 thing and never remember to swap stances, this could be a steep learning curve for me


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Wrong. This game is not twitchy at all, it's extremely methodical. Just like Dark Souls, every enemy has a trick or pattern to exploit to make them easy. The controls are more responsive than DS ever has been, especially when you get into stance/weapon changes in the middle of combos.

If you think it's too hard, coast through the game with sloth talismans.
Nowhere did I say the game was too hard. What I said was that compared to souls games, the controls are not as clean and the gameplay is more twitch based. I mean, you can zip through most hall trash early on by spamming low stance to stun then do a finisher and the whole ki timing is a level of twitch unto itself. Great game, I simply prefer DS games.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This game is good, but its not DS series good, at least not for me. Way too much twitch in it and the controls are not as clean (even compared to BB). But the esthetic is perfect and the weapon types are nicely balanced for what they are doing. I understand a lot of people like the twitch thing more, especially vets of the NG series, though. Biggest flaws, aside from the twitchy gameplay are being slaved to the RNG for gear drops, linear design, the cancerous inventory system, and the lack of playstyle diversity (once you master using your preferred weapon, you really don't need to touch another). Biggest strengths are the atmosphere, stances, well balanced stat progression, and smooth difficulty curve (better than in most souls games).

Edit- Just so we are clear, this is likely GOTY (unless Last of Us 2 comes out) and saying its not as good as Souls is not a criticism in the slightest. Being nearly as good as DS series games makes it one of the better games ever made, and 60fps on the pro definitely helps.

I mean I've only played DS 3 and Bloodborne, but once I found my weapon, I just rolled with it. Once I got my Ludwig's, that's all I used. Once I got the massive two hander from the black night in crucifix woods, I stayed with that, and only used my dark sword when I needed more speed. Maybe it was different in the other two souls game, I don't know.

As far as twitch goes, I think it's an option to help those who are god tier be able to do way more with much less. Do you have the digital dexterity to switch weapons and through three stances mid combo? Cool, you will be able to kill this guy at SL1, with all white gear. However, gear really does matter in this game from everything I have seen. I will definitely admit that I could be wrong on this as I am still barely out of the prologue myself. However, after restarting a few times to try out the different weapons, and looking through the skills, it is kind of obvious to me that the different weapons cater to different play styles. Like, I think for swords to really shine, you do have to be good at the twitch aspects because some of the skills are tailored towards the ability to quickly switch stances and what not. Axes? Yeah hit button and smash, or hold button and smash harder/everything around you. Once I played with the different stances, Axes are devastating. One press of strong attack in high stance is a two to three hit combo. Just don't miss.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Well BB kind of had the one best weapon and no other mechanic like ranged and magic from DS, too. In fact, Nioh has some ranged combat (though it does not work as a primary form of combat) which puts it above BB in my eyes.

I agree with your post that the game is basically a Souls game for people who play fighting games. Souls games more or less reward knowledge of the enemy and zone, allowing different weapons and techniques to victory. This game is more like a Streetfighter situation where you are rewarded for knowing the combos involved in your preferred weapons and there are basically only one or two set ways to beat a boss. The bosses in this game are more interesting than Souls games, but the trash in Souls was a lot more dynamic to deal with. It also has a nice smooth difficulty progression so far in my play, lacking the hard spikes that most FROM games tend to have. The levels seem to be fairly linear, compared to DS series games, as well. But the entire gameplay revolves around mechanical execution with a couple weapons, similar to BB (though in this game all weapons appear to be viable, unlike BB) but much improved. I totally get why people who prefer BB to other Souls games would rate this game above them, as its basically a better version of BB.

Personally, I have been running around with dual sword and spear exclusively. I prefer the spear, but need the swords for group trash clearing and confined spaces. High stance comes out for bosses, but its low stance stun lock and murder for yard trash.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I absolutely am not far enough to tell. I am axe and sword. I love the axe to pieces with that high stance strong attack thing. However it is a straight line and if the mob jumps out of that line, it totally misses and leaves you fairly open. It does have a spin to win ability you can unlock with samurai points, and it's pretty damn slick. Think diablo whirlwind, a channeled ability you can use to spin around and take anything within ten feet of you out. However, if you have multiple groups, you are in serious shit, because too long spinning leaves you winded and open to be anally violated by whoever is left. So I switch to low swords that has a pretty good stun lock (quick quick set of strikes that can be repeated) light attack, and a pretty wicked low stance strong attack combo that's not half bad.

And on the ball boss, my axe was doing ok damage, but again the attack leaves you open for a second or two, and dude always seemed to slam me with his balls. I accidentally went in with my low swords equipped, and I couldn't stay still long enough to ply my old as fingers into doing a weapon and stance swap, and I ended up melting his face pretty hard with my low swords, so you may have a point on the Bosses. Have to play more to find out.


<Gold Donor>
It's definitely a different experience to DS, more in line with BB (a game I preferred). Either way, it's a truly great experience and they've taken some nods from both of those games and crafted something of their own. Hard to believe a game that flew so under my radar (and a PS exclusive to boot) is this good. Also, I prefer the story here as well to the snippets you get in the DS/BB universes (though this one isn't exactly Shakespeare).


A nice asshole.
Story in Nioh is a mess and borderline complete shit, I have no idea what is going on. The main motivations of your character are straight forward get your guardian spirit back, but the rest is comes down to red vs blue and even then I was like wait I am on the blue or red side? They even say things like "careful a certain you know who is waiting for you" I am like I have NO idea what you are talking about, and when the dude shows up I was like wait aren't we on the same side?

It isn't like they all look the same either it is just they spent zero time on getting to know anyone before they put you in a room to talk or an arena to fight.

Ignoring all the Samurai stuff and just focusing on the big bad amrita fiend/thief is my best experience.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I never play games for the story anymore. Most of them are contrived to plausibly fit into the action of the game. However, I will say this, anything should be better than the souls stuff. I swear Miyazaki makes a whole lot of crap up and throws it on all the descriptions and sits back to see what directions the fan base takes it all in. I know this is all inflammatory, but after living and breathing Bloodborne for a good six months, it amazes me how people make the connections that they did.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Souls games take a subtler approach, but the story is more or less there and coherent. They just make you work for it. Nioh I am not far enough in to get invested in the story yet, just enjoying the mechanics and exploration. There have been games where the story is a great centerpiece and it works (Last of Us, more recent Tomb Raider games, some of the Fallouts, ect) but they are certainly the exception rather than the rule. That said, I do like the basic concept of 1600s english pirate getting magic stones is what won the war for England over Spain concept and it provides a nice excuse for having westernized content in what is mainly an asian setting.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah my impression of the Souls games are they are much different, I just came way too late to the party to really make sense of it. Bloodborne just changed tones way too abruptly and I think it really fell apart to make any sense. I mean the overall arc of appeasing the space aliens was ok, but it was the finer points where it got lost in my mind. Hard to explain without going major long in a topic about another game entirely. I just personally think Miyazaki gets way too much credit, where it should be to the die hard fans that connect the dots with their own imaginations and bang out a decent story from all the bits and pieces he just cobbles together and he swoops and says "oh yeah! That's it completely!" It doesn't matter though, because dude can design some fun levels and gameplay systems to enjoy those levels with.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
How is this game still a month backordered on Amazon?!


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
People still buy physical copies? Once I swapped in an SSD into my PS4s I never looked back. Load times in a number of games are massively improved, and if I am changing games it beats the hell out of digging around for disks to swap.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
People still buy physical copies? Once I swapped in an SSD into my PS4s I never looked back. Load times in a number of games are massively improved, and if I am changing games it beats the hell out of digging around for disks to swap.
20% off for prime members, so yeah. Load times are the same. It installs the game to the hd. 90% of my games are digital, but it's hard to pass up the 20% off on Prime when there's an actual game I want on release(which is rare).
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A nice asshole.
20% off for prime members, so yeah. Load times are the same. It installs the game to the hd. 90% of my games are digital, but it's hard to pass up the 20% off on Prime when there's an actual game I want on release(which is rare).

But no tax on digital so you are really only saving like 5 bucks.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It's 10 bucks(after tax), but yeah...not a massive savings. I'm just blown away that it's still sold out with Amazon giving a 30+ day estimate on shipping. I have tons of other games in my backlog, so I can wait.