No Man's Sky


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Finally bought this on the recent sale and played four hours the past couple days. Wandered around and repaired my ship, flew to a planet, found a signal, have slowly wandered around from point to point mining materials to build a base now I’m wandering from point to point trying to unearth buried tech so I can unlock the ability to build base shit out of different materials. Running out of and replenishing resources as I go destroying some random things I’ve found to make room for the stuff I keep using up, because my inventory is about the size of a midgets nut sack.

Holy shit this is tedious and boring. What should I do to experience some other gameplay loop than this?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Finally bought this on the recent sale and played four hours the past couple days. Wandered around and repaired my ship, flew to a planet, found a signal, have slowly wandered around from point to point mining materials to build a base now I’m wandering from point to point trying to unearth buried tech so I can unlock the ability to build base shit out of different materials. Running out of and replenishing resources as I go destroying some random things I’ve found to make room for the stuff I keep using up, because my inventory is about the size of a midgets nut sack.

Holy shit this is tedious and boring. What should I do to experience some other gameplay loop than this?
Don't dork around on one planet. You should have quests that take you off planet, to do the Atlas or Artemis quests.

Or, more likely, you should do the current Expedition from a new save or from your existing save.

Once you start doing the Expedition objectives (they're basically achievements) that should show you around the galaxy a bit. Also a bunch of the steps award more inventory space.

Find your first freighter, start recruiting frigates and other pilots. Start grinding the reps for the different factions, with missions and turnins.

Each new star system you go to has a space station. In each new space station you visit, you can buy 1 inventory slot if you have the cash. You can also get missions that award additional inventory slots.

You can also explore the planet using a Signal Booster to find crashed pods that contain additional inventory slots. Some maps provide maps directory to those pods.

You'll want to get yourself a Minotaur (a giant battlemech that you can ride or run autonomous.)

Endgame right now is a) filling out your fleet of frigates and b) finding Dissonance planets to salvage Sentinel Interceptors because they're cool looking. Every planet has its own algorithmically generated ship, the amount of variance on them is pretty wild. Or getting a Living Ship, those are cool too if you want to fly around in a giant space sperm.

Oh yeah, and there's different kinds of bases. You can have 400+ different bases but you can only have one Settlement. Settlements work quite a bit different from bases, have their own economy and stuff.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The entire game can be described as a quest for more inventory space. That ultimately means your suit, your ship, your freighter, etc. Upgrading your multitool with more slots, etc.

There are a LOT of mods to shove in shit.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Idk if they "fixed it" but if you havent warped to your 3rd system yet, which usually triggers a battle for your first freighter which they give you for free you can do this trick to get a really good one



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This game is pretty much a sandbox - there is very little guided content outside of a very scant main story quest and the expedition they periodically release (which have much clearer goals). How much you get out of the game really comes down to how you approach it and what you enjoy in it.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Idk if they "fixed it" but if you havent warped to your 3rd system yet, which usually triggers a battle for your first freighter which they give you for free you can do this trick to get a really good one

Or, instead of reloading the game 40 times, you can defeat a Pirate Freighter and take their dreadnought:

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<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
I want to play this game again, but I keep getting lag every couple of minutes that makes it stutter. I've tried a bunch of different fixes but I can't figure it out. Even after my graphics card changed, it still does it.

Sucks, because I like to give this a whirl every so often and I haven't played it for a few patches.


<Gold Donor>
I just bought this a couple of weeks ago, almost refunded it immediately with the whole stranded on a planet start, but quickly realized that was just the tutorial pretty much. Got to a lush planet and things were easy-peasy after that.

Eventually progressed the quest and randomly got brought near a crashed Sentinel ship. After doing that, got sucked into the coordinate sharing subreddit and finding other ships, realized I had to progress the main quest a LOT before I could enter glyphs myself, finally did all that and picked up a couple of cool ships, and now I'm hunting ships on my own. Just like I was doing in Starfield, trying to hijack ships. I can't help it, I'm a ship hoarder I guess!

I can see where interest starts to wane after awhile, but I'm still pretty new into most of it and have a ton of shit to do. I've barely done any of the specialist quests (scientist, farmer, etc.), have a long way to go for max rep, etc. I got lucky with an S-Class freighter on my second try, but eventually I will probably want a dreadnaught because yeah, those things look fucking awesome. And my freighter "base" inside is barebones, so I could spend days unlocking and building that I'm sure, but probably won't bother until I get the pirate one, blah blah. Tons to do as a new player, that's for sure. Oh, and just started the Autophage stuff, so that's another thing. Haven't touched living ships, only did two derelicts so far, etc.

In short, well worth the money. I was telling the guy at work who played Starfield about my new ship addiction (he heard all about the last one), and he was wondering how a game that is 8 years old keeps making money. I have no idea. Do they really sell that many new copies consistently? Seems amazing if they do, since as far as I can tell there is no paid DLC, no cash shop, nothing except the initial price.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Naa it gets boring quick - they need to add true endgame content/combat into the loop. Really not sure why they haven’t.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Naa it gets boring quick - they need to add true endgame content/combat into the loop. Really not sure why they haven’t.
Capturing a pirate freighter and farming Sentinel Capital Ships for AI fragments is pretty much the endgame of space combat. Using supercharged slots to max out your infraknife so you can make quick work of capital ships is key, but some of them still have a lot of hps. Ground combat is a lot more hectic this patch, I've almost gotten overrun when facing corrupted sentinels + horrors, even with my maxed out exo mech helping me and totally maxed out guns.

But everything is so exploitable, it'd be hard to put real 'endgame' content in.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
That was the first thing I did, it’s the only thing that kept me going those four hours.

I've got a ton of randomly named animals and planets out there, that no one will ever see in person. Like, I found this in my Steam content from 4-5 years ago and I don't even remember it

Alkorin Alkorin LOL

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Blackwing Lair Raider
This fishing update is still just a part of worlds part 1 btw, something they decided to add in after seeing fanart.

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Trump's Staff
I've come to love these devs just for their dedication to making this game better, entirely for free.

Even if their new game sucks ass day 1, just like NMS, they secured a purchase (but not preorder) from me.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I like that they're transparently using NMS updates as a playtest for modules of Light No Fire. They could end up completely transforming NMS and ending up with both of the best fantasy and sci fi procedural generation.
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<Silver Donator>
Ok boys. So, I bought this game for PS on day 1. Played it for a bit and concluded it sucked. Bought it for PC a few years ago and played it for 30 minutes and refunded.

I picked it up again recently and played into some of the storylines. I feel like I have given it a good try. All I hear about what a great redemption arc story this game is. Help me understand. I don't get it.

The planets are samey, varying only by environmental threat and superficial permutations of plants, animals, minerals. There are just a few recurring POIs. Building is boring. Travel is tedious. Combat is boring. UI/UX is terrible. Graphics are dated. The story is a mess. Multiplayer is half-assed.

It is a really interesting idea but the gameplay loop is awful.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ok boys. So, I bought this game for PS on day 1. Played it for a bit and concluded it sucked. Bought it for PC a few years ago and played it for 30 minutes and refunded.

I picked it up again recently and played into some of the storylines. I feel like I have given it a good try. All I hear about what a great redemption arc story this game is. Help me understand. I don't get it.

The planets are samey, varying only by environmental threat and superficial permutations of plants, animals, minerals. There are just a few recurring POIs. Building is boring. Travel is tedious. Combat is boring. UI/UX is terrible. Graphics are dated. The story is a mess. Multiplayer is half-assed.

It is a really interesting idea but the gameplay loop is awful.
Pretty much the same here. I grabbed a "demo" of it at release, had a few laughs at what a complete and utter shitshow it was, then uninstalled and forgot about it.

Since it showed up on Game Pass I've tried it 3 or 4 times, doing both regular playthroughs and the challenge mode stuff and I just don't get the appeal. It's obviously a vast improvement over the turd they shat out in 2016, but it's still just so damn boring.
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