I think that's the point of the entire story. The Earth was so fucked, God just decided to shake the Etch-a-Sketch and start over.It had never rained before, ever? Where does that info come from?
Listen, I agree that they needed to fill in a lot of gaps to make it long enough for a movie. But they could have filled in those gaps with a lot of other things. Hell, even just struggles like how a small family is going to get those massive trees in place without the help of magical rock golems would have been better than said rock golems.
It literally looked like a science fiction story of people in an alien landscape, with alien animals, building the ark with the help of alien beings. Except for the names, you could have told me that was the story of some alien planet, with an alien god giving directions, and I'd have completely believed you if I'd never heard of the ark story.
eh, it's a creationist theory that had gained some popularity but it's based indirectly on 2 verses. can't remember exactly where but it says in the garden of eden that it hadn't rained. it DOESN'T say that it didn't rain anywhere else... also, when god tells noah to build the ark he says he's going to make it rain for 40 days and nights. Noah certainly had never seen a rainbow before... so a lot of people infer from that that it hadn't rained yet. it's called the Canopy Theory. it's meant to explain a lot of climate and biology changes pre-flood, such as how people lived to be 900+ years old. but, (and speaking as a creationist) it's basically an argument from silence. "it never said that it DID rain!" those kinds of arguments are pretty weak.It had never rained before, ever? Where does that info come from?
You, and every other creationist, are unbelievably stupid. Fucking retarded. Do you realize how fucking idiotic you sound?eh, it's a creationist theory that had gained some popularity but it's based indirectly on 2 verses. can't remember exactly where but it says in the garden of eden that it hadn't rained. it DOESN'T say that it didn't rain anywhere else... also, when god tells noah to build the ark he says he's going to make it rain for 40 days and nights. Noah certainly had never seen a rainbow before... so a lot of people infer from that that it hadn't rained yet. it's called the Canopy Theory. it's meant to explain a lot of climate and biology changes pre-flood, such as how people lived to be 900+ years old. but, (and speaking as a creationist) it's basically an argument from silence. "it never said that it DID rain!" those kinds of arguments are pretty weak.
but that is the core.Listen, no one is arguing about the validity of the bible. When man of steel came out and people were upset at the portrayal of superman no one started arguing about whether or not comics are real. We get it, you think Christians are stupid. That's fine. We are arguing about the validity of sticking to source material. Dropping in and saying that people who agree with the bible are stupid adds nothing to the discussion nor is it original. Move along
To be fair, most people aren't aware The Bible is full of fantasy / sci-fi elements though:Listen, I agree that they needed to fill in a lot of gaps to make it long enough for a movie. But they could have filled in those gaps with a lot of other things. Hell, even just struggles like how a small family is going to get those massive trees in place without the help of magical rock golems would have been better than said rock golems.
It literally looked like a science fiction story of people in an alien landscape, with alien animals, building the ark with the help of alien beings. Except for the names, you could have told me that was the story of some alien planet, with an alien god giving directions, and I'd have completely believed you if I'd never heard of the ark story.
I figured out there was no god about 15 minutes after I caught my mom lying about the Tooth Fairy. No Tooth Fairy means there's clearly no Easter Bunny, which means no Santa, which means no God.Mostly tho you just kinda go "how the fuck did I believe this shit when I was a kid, this is the dumbest origins story in the world."