The question is what can we do? Even if they were to hackzors Warner Bros next week, and then the White House the week after that, what can we do? "counterstrike" cyberattacks are fairly useless against NK considering the vast majority of the population doesn't even have "real" internet, and we can't ever do anything militarily because they have nukes, so I myself am at a loss as to how we combat this.
These hack attacks open up a whole new realm of possibilities for despotic countries that don't have the might or technology to put real muscle behind their rhetoric. It opens up a new avenue of war that any nation, no matter how backwards or impoverished, can wage as long as they have a few smart kids with shitty Acer laptops, a Tor browser, and a few mifi cards..
I take this as another example/reason as to why it's so important that Iran not get nuclear capability. Iran is listed along with Russia/China as having the most sophisticated groups of cybercriminals, and as soon as they have nukes Rohani's Cheshire smile will quickly disappear and we're going to see cyberattacks out of Iran on a consistent basis. Then, just like NK we won't be able to do jack shit about it.