There probably won't be any articles written on therealback story of Whiplash, but it was based upon a real professor at Juilliard in the 90's. The movie is packed with references to him, the school, and the administration that allowed this monster to grind students into the dirt.
How do I know this? I was there, and washed out before my second year. The movie doesn't portray his raw, bloody brutality, and no one really talks about him to this day because he got results, ignominious as they ultimately were. As in the movie, the professor did get fired because a student killed herself due to the stress he inflicted upon her. Not that she was weak, he took every chance he could to inflict misery upon all of us.
He drove me to wash out...I guess that was his job; the stark reality is that he and Juilliard drove me out of music all together. Kind of a heartbreak after all these years since I was considered one of the best musicians in the USA on my instrument at the time. I took a few of those offhanded slights in the movie personally; but the reality is that he purged a lot of otherwise brilliant musicians down the drain with his psychotic verbal rampages.
The movie has a happy ending. In life? not so much. I went from being a very promising musician optimizing my play style in WoW to find that extra 2% DPS that I know that I am fucking missing out on. I don't wonder what could have been, but...I still love what was in a small, insular way; I still keep my instrument even though I haven't touched it in decades.
As they say, only fools have hopes.