I'm mildly annoyed. I went 7-3 in placements (W W W L W W W W L L) and got 48. Meanwhile friends who I regular carry (and was grouped with for the last 2 loses, while I wasn't for most of the wins) who got shit like 5-5 or 6-4 placed higher than me. We play together almost nightly, I regularly have play of the game, regularly have 3+ golds, and I have the highest individual win rate amongst us (they are all sub 50%, I'm like 52-53%). They all got like 52-56. I don't understand.
Also, there is definitely some shit bugged. I ended up going 20-8 last night in ranked after placement last night and I'm like halfway through 50. But jesus sometimes you lose a match and lose an entire fucking level, which is completely absurd when you have a super long game on a map like Temple of Anubis. When we double cap faster with more remaining time, but go to sudden death and coin toss defense and lose in overtime it's the fucking worst feeling ever to lose an entire level after what was a pretty close game all around. KoTH was so much better for Sudden Death than this coin toss bullshit.
Then you go win a koth and get almost no skill gain at all, it's the fucking worst.