Actually climbing has more to do with + than %. If you hover at .500 for 100 games then all of a sudden go on a 20 win streak, you're now 20 games over .500. Now if you hover at that point for another 100 games, your rating is same, still 20 over .500, won't climb till you increase that. So at 120 games you're 70W/50L, 58% win rate. But then you had another 50W/L so now you're 120/100, 55% win rate... you didn't lose rating though.All the people whining just seem like they haven't played a competitive ladder before. They do wonky shit, especially in regards to hidden rating (actual rating) and clamping. Say you've played 1000 games and went 50/50. Then you win 20 in a row. You're not even to 51% win rate (50.98) so your rating probably wouldn't change much at all even with 20 games in a row won. So how do you not upset your players by having 20 wins without a rank increase? By artificially inflating the gains and losses in the apparent rating while the actual (hidden) rating is rising slowly. People need to feel the progress on the short term or they just quit. Gain too fast and your next bit of games will lose apparent ranking even going 50/50. Have faith in the system and that consistent performance will even out over time.
Not sure if accurate, but according to Seagull, the penalty you avoid is the Leaver Penalty (getting banned/suspended from Rank by Leaving too much), however you'll still suffer Rating adjustments. Apparently they don't consider losing Rating a Penalty.What really pissed me off was we had a leaver and the game said I could leave without penalty. So I left and my rank went down a point. nice work on that.
You're not getting any better (or worse) so your rank doesn't move. This isn't an MMO, you aren't grinding out exp and leveling up.I don't think this can be enjoyable in any sense of the word as a solo player. Even if you play with a team, unless it's a static team it's very hit or miss. It's extremely frustrating to play for several hours and your rank doesn't move a single point (or even goes down, in my case).
Ended up playing a bunch of KoTH last night but didn't piece together why I was gaining/losing so little. So basically KoTH maps don't mean shit atm. You'll gain like 10X more rating from the other maps (also lose about 10X more rating).I've seen a bunch of threads asking why they can win 2-3 matches and barely move up but losing a single match drops their rank. This is a known issue right now, KotH maps are only rewarding a fraction of the ranked MMR that the Escort and Capture maps are rewarding. So currently you will need to win 8-10 KotH matches to make up for a Payload loss. Blizzard is investigating the issue but have not said one way or the other if this is intended - I'm assuming it is not.
I also believe this is what is causing the same KotH quickplay issue that results in your stats freezing after the first round, and no fire being rewarded after a kill/assist. This results in ~1-1.4k XP being rewarded instead of the usual 2k+ for consecutive matches with gold medals. I'm guessing it is using the first round in the Bo5 and ignoring the rest of the rounds after that. So it's your score of 1 round vs scores from 3-5 rounds, ofc you only get a pittance of MMR; you played like shit - or that's what the game thinks.