<Silver Donator>
Ana is really fun, but seems kinda hard to play well, I've had good and bad games. Sleep dart is annoying as shit to land, although stupidly strong when you do, even if people are shooting at the target, it's like a 1sec disable similar to roadhog hook, and if they're not it lasts an eternity and it cancels a lot of the annoying shit like Blossom and Hog which other healers tend to have issues with(Zen is the other healer that kinda shrugs them off).
Hardest so far though for me has been her grenade, the slight but noticeable drop over distance is super hard to judge correctly. I mean at mid/short, it's easy to grenade by just aiming at the ground where you want it, but once you start trying to throw it far, it's a lot harder since the aoe is kinda small. I've thrown many of them at nothing when trying to long range grenade.
Thing I really like about her though is you can take really far back positions to heal your frontlines, so you can hide from widows and generally be far enough that flankers will actually pop in front of you instead of behind, on certain maps. You can just scope heal people from afar.
And her ult is borderline broken. Ult Reinhardt and suddenly, it's motherfucking Genji(well not as bad, but quite close). Ult genji and he basically one shots everyone. I think the OP part of the ult is the damage reduction, it seems really strong. If it was just damage amplification/speed, it'd be strong, but you could counter it by attacking the guy, but when you have an ulted reinhardt rushing you, there's like no way to deal with him without CC(which are mostly ults, or another ana). Makes her really good at breaking defenses.
Really like the patch since it buffed 2 of the heroes I like playing, D-Va and Zen, and the new one is great. Plus I've started playing Zarya which I hadn't played much during the beta, so it feels kinda new. On the other hand, I feel Roadhog's hook is super fucked. I never had any trouble during beta with it but now I keep pulling fuckers to my side or behind me and shit like that, and I can't seem to kill shit with it. Used to be really good at chaining kills off hooks but now I still land hooks then don't get kills. I don't think it was changed other than increasing the stun duration a little bit so kinda weird.
Hardest so far though for me has been her grenade, the slight but noticeable drop over distance is super hard to judge correctly. I mean at mid/short, it's easy to grenade by just aiming at the ground where you want it, but once you start trying to throw it far, it's a lot harder since the aoe is kinda small. I've thrown many of them at nothing when trying to long range grenade.
Thing I really like about her though is you can take really far back positions to heal your frontlines, so you can hide from widows and generally be far enough that flankers will actually pop in front of you instead of behind, on certain maps. You can just scope heal people from afar.
And her ult is borderline broken. Ult Reinhardt and suddenly, it's motherfucking Genji(well not as bad, but quite close). Ult genji and he basically one shots everyone. I think the OP part of the ult is the damage reduction, it seems really strong. If it was just damage amplification/speed, it'd be strong, but you could counter it by attacking the guy, but when you have an ulted reinhardt rushing you, there's like no way to deal with him without CC(which are mostly ults, or another ana). Makes her really good at breaking defenses.
Really like the patch since it buffed 2 of the heroes I like playing, D-Va and Zen, and the new one is great. Plus I've started playing Zarya which I hadn't played much during the beta, so it feels kinda new. On the other hand, I feel Roadhog's hook is super fucked. I never had any trouble during beta with it but now I keep pulling fuckers to my side or behind me and shit like that, and I can't seem to kill shit with it. Used to be really good at chaining kills off hooks but now I still land hooks then don't get kills. I don't think it was changed other than increasing the stun duration a little bit so kinda weird.