I wouldn't say its too long, I would much rather him have that long capability with slow firing, but thats me and I haven't run tests to see how far long really is. Even at long range he technically can't one shot someone, only about 140 damage in total crit(they could probably pad it to 60/120 dmg and be safe.) I know this game isn't anywhere near a real-life, but I would expect a revolver to do some damage at long distance but slow firing. Which it is "slow" but it could be slower/less spammy than it currently is. I just know on Numbani as an example, from the cat walk, to the attackers side of mid back by the bus.. where i'd normally take a Hanzo, I can do Hanzo's work 10x faster by double tapping everyone crossing with the new McCree. I don't know if Evernothing is still here, but he saw the devastation I unleashed with McCree. Even on Kings Row attacking, walking on the furthest side of the bus.. having a Pharah back in the air toward the statue.. I can dispatch her immediately.
If you have to FtH a tracer.. you're doing something seriously wrong, even before the buff. Genji too, FtH'ing is such a liability with his reflect and ability to jump and create distance.. those two as an example imo are poor. I know that he is suppose to deal with those targets, but only in coherence with Flashbang. I'm not saying FtH isn't underpowered, but by lowering the rate at which you can left click should open more potential for FtH having viability. Only thing I could say is a micro buff to allow FtH to crit, would be all it needed. It's low to high is only 22-40, and I would be fucking surprised if someone was so good at McCree they can land all 6 shots to the face. Crit would only make it 44-80 damage, and would solve his ability to deal w/ the lower end people more effectively... but right now the most daunting thing about him is the damage he delivers w/ his left click... which I believe the damage to be fine, its just the rate at which he does it at.
Though as of right now, he massively out DPS's 76 because of his lack of requirement ie Helix and rate at which it takes. McCree right now, decimates Pharahs because of his long range buff. You can either two shot her w/ a headshot/body, or three/four shot with all body shots. Essentially you're able to get her out of the air by the time she hits the pinnacle of her jetboost. Right now, how things have been going in my ranked games.. you only need one McCree to deal w/ a Pharah, even a good one. Games have essentially been tank/tank/supp/supp/McCree, and the other dps doesn't really matter but it has usually been Reaper, Genji, and Tracer.. or if i'm not on McCree.. cause i'm an asshole hanzomain XD I'm not saying I haven't seen McCree/76 draft, but out of all the games since patch.. I've only seen two. Prior, there wasn't a team that didn't have a 76 on it and/or Pharah.
76 was a good answer to Pharah, the bout between them was extremely balanced. For a 76 to do good against a Pharah in the air, he had to consistently land headshots otherwise she still maintained a problem, and helix'ing her.. you had to be a God of Gods. Even if the 76 was really good, the Pharah still had more sky time compared to the sky time she is able to get against a McCree. And yeah, he was played before the buff.. if you call less 25% played. 76 wasn't a solid solo answer to Pharah, she still posed a threat even with a 76 on the field, so a McCree kinda gave it a buffer. Plus he was still a decent pick because flashbang is still one of the most solid forms of disruptive cc in the game.
They honestly needed to buff his long range capability, hes not shooting a nerf gun here. I mean it might be overkill.. but it obviously got through.. so they're taking it into a direction. I'll figure it asinine if they say oops and nerf left click again. So its there to stay as far as I can tell, the only real option is just to dampen the amount of shots fired in a time frame because atm making FtH better just isn't the right answer.
edit; when i'm saying slower.. i'm not saying he should have a massive time between shot. If this it is accurate, he can shoot every .5 seconds, maybe .8 or 1s.