It seems that a few people are starting not to care in competitive anymore because the season is ending soon.
I am having lots of leavers, far more than usual.
I also had 1 player outright saying he was practicing Hanzo. When asked why he was doing that in competitive rather than quick play, he said he doesn't like quick play, and didn't care about his ranking because he was like 10 ranks lower than his highest, and didn't think he'd be able to rank up that high before season ends so it didn't matter.
Sadly, as much I hated almost made sense. If you're not gonna manage to rank any higher then your highest rank for the season within the next week and half...why bother? I just hope that more people don't get that attitude, as it could totally ruin the rest of the season.
Everyone wants to play D.Va these days, she's pretty easy to play. She's fun though no doubt.
A couple of characters are medal farmers. Don't get too big headed about "golds" with them. Soldier, Dva, Tracer, Roadhog. These guys are at LEAST 2 gold medals per match if you're competent. DVA just dinks everyone and never dies so she keeps high damage/elims as well as being tanky AND elusive so she can stay on OBJ. Soldier just damage farms non stop if you make sure to kill turrets/reinhardt shields. Tracer is just constant damage and can tickle people for elims a lot. Roadhog same deal. Stays alive forever to get elims and his ult puts out a lot of damage. That combined with the hook-shot combo you can easily be doing a thousand damage a minute.
Now gold farming Mei's. That's what I like to see. I can usually do OBJ time and kills with her, but bronze damage is a stretch.
Play of the Match with 5-in-a-row (but not quintuple) kills. Thanks Mercy damage boost helping me melt tanks. >_>My saddest gold metal win for kills was two days ago playing Sym when I got 4 kills. Kind of wish I taken a screen shot of that, it was so sad. Even sadder was that two of those kills were not turrets.