however some heroes are just weaker than others, especially when you consider how certain heroes perform on certain maps. For example, trollborn on offense with no payload etc. is obviously a 'weak' pick, and so at some point it becomes about where you draw the line. Personally, I think mei is pretty garbage, anas are usually trash, and I feel like most teams (certainly at lower ranks) benefit immensely from having a lucio. Also in my experience, the insta-lock widows and hanzos are usually pretty terrible, so when you see people insta lock in hanzos on koth maps with no large los paths, it can be frustrating. And the hanzos etc. who are like 'but im top deeps! im helping!', you may be top dps plinking arrows into targets/tanks from a distance, but there's more to pushing a point than that, and it may be the case that your body on the point would help a lot more (since a lot of classes can do high dps but actually be present on objectives), or your ultimate synergises more with the team or whatever.
See, I highly disagree with this thinking. I know there are times where I do say, yeah but I have all gold as a Hanzo main.. it can be outright triggering, but I won't forget to follow it up if its low or not.. It really says an insane amount about your team. It shows that they're not providing their portion of their role. I'm fucking mind blown when someone says "Yeah because you've been loading it into shields" like the fuck, are you retarded? Are you not trying to shoot the Rein shield.. are you that fucking dense? I mean, obviously target priority is a thing, but there should be absolutely zero reason you're not -idling- shots into any shield, or hitting hogs. I can't tell you how many times I've been called out for cheating because I can build my ult in such short time, never really timed it, but I can send dragons out pretty fucking quick. I can not count the times that i've clocked someone behind a Rein shield because he dropped it to fire strike.
There is also Torb main that is SR80 w/ 100% literal play time on Torb only. I've played against him in the SR70's. I honestly didn't think much of him, but when I really thought about the pressure he provided.. it was actually quite insane. I could pick him off usually, depends on who was in front of me challenging.. but he was doing things that I've never seen torbs do ie, instead of building a turret and trying to build it to t2, he'd leave it tier 1 so the rein would focus it and move to different locations to pop another, rinse repeat all while sinking shots. If he got the opportunity to get a T2 down based off who was dead, it was rather devastating with the build of molten core.
Look at Kephrii, I think i'm 2/5 against him and i've made him switch off widow essentially every time or at least some point in each match, but the guy is now like some odd mid-high SR80's with primary Widow play. He was being looked at by Team Liquid, but was dropped for reasons I haven't followed.
I've played w/ and against high level bastion cheesing, and i'm not talking about coin flip or defending either. I'm talking KoTH and Payload attack, and it working phenomenal.. but i've also seen it fail. Same w/ Symmetra on KoTH, against the double tracer/twinson/lucio comps and soar.. or countering Genji's.
I just find it funny when people scapegoat an off-meta pick, as if it was the reason they lost. I mean it's different when they aren't doing their part, but when i'm averaging 3 kills per death, constant trading, and crucial picks.. gold coins, whatever you want to call it... and i'm the reason we can't get on the point? As a Hanzo main, my full charge arrow does 125 to the body, and 250 headshot. I think at the moment a proper scatter is the highest damaging ability to tanks. Sure I can successfully flashbang a Rein stop w/ McCree, but I have also killed Rein's charging in with scatters. Dick riding meta is just shit mentality for sheep, its scapegoating reasons your team is actually sucking. I yell at my teammate/close friend all the time when he tries to blame a random performing poorly, sure he very might well be.. but we aren't facilitating around it either.. we aren't molding ourselves to try and see if he can do something to help him.. instead of just saying this fucking random soo trash, god so bad.. its annoying. Listening to people say you're not playing 2/2/2.. its annoying. Sometimes to beat 2/2/2, you might have to go 3/1/2, or whatever is needed. The game offers flexibility, yet its only the meta following is the problem you're losing.
Buuuut, I mean thats like 1 out of 10 players on those off meta picks being actually good, or bad. So I can't hate on them getting uneasy.. I don't really play Mei, Bastion, Torb, or anything much else but as Hanzo.. I've land crucial game turning kills.. it's all about how you draft.. and people are resilient to that and can only blame the 'weakest' pick by definition of meta reports rather than performance of other teammates.. esp if they're queued together.