I wish they'd just bring back a new and improved version of "Avoid Player." It's honestly a smart idea and can be improved on greatly.
As a Hanzo main, I know the exact conversations.. I get it all the time.. cause you know Hanzo is F tier, near zero play time, can't ever work. I had one today actually, arguably low elims and damage but still holding gold in three categories.. yet i'm to blame. I point out that I have three gold, but I mistakenly asked.. calmly.. if I have gold what does that say about our other 3 dps players(Mei, Genji, McCree)? The Mei got instantly butt hurt, so he just started walling people off constantly in spawn.. how these people get SR74.. I will never know. I could have arguably swapped, but this duo queue insisted on just not giving a fuck at all.
I had another two? nights ago. It had my queue in tears. There was a guy who was whispering while talking, trying to blame my pick again as Hanzo because we went 1-0 to 1-1(58%/100%) on KOTH. I mean, he started off by saying if you don't do good as Hanzo, please swap. I can understand that, I do it all the time, but I 'solely' carried the first part. The second part I could only really manage two picks per life average, but I was getting some crucial picks and we couldn't nec capitalize on it. We get to the Match 3, guy is still bitching about it.. I ask him to give me a reason that I am wrong in my pick, and explain to me how i'm not performing with Golds in literally 4 categories. His answer was the basic, hes no good, hes not meta, no one plays him, followed with just because you have Gold doesn't mean its a good pick. Continued to get some extremely crucial picks, go on to win it. Win round 4, with him still bitching a little less because my queue is getting tired of it at this point and start making fun of his whisper and waking his mom. I end w/ the 4 Gold coin card, everyone including the other 2 randoms erupts chat complaining shit hanzo pick, terrible idea, shitzo, god awful, get carried. Dude leaves immediately and we all start dying of laughter.
It's annoying that people have to meta dick ride so hard, because it is obviously the only answer. Gotta love the always right mentality.