
  • Guest, it's time once again for the massively important and exciting FoH Asshat Tournament!

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    Who's been the biggest Asshat in the last year? Give us your worst ones!


Trakanon Raider
Why can't I choose the type of game format I want to play?

I only want to play king of the hill maps most of the time.

Let me queue for a rotation of ilios, lijang, and nepal. That's it.

I'm having to drop a dozen+ games at a time in quick play until I get the format I want to play. In wow if I want to play warsong gultch all day I can. MAKE IT SO!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I lost 2 tonight. Forced to play lucio which is pretty much like putting baby in the corner. The only round we won i told him to eat me and played zen.


Apparently severs are finally updated to be 60 tick. Haven't played yet but my friend is saying it's true when he views on the netgraph.

Still amazed at the people who don't think there is a difference in tickrate.


Log Wizard
I hope that's not true because killcams have been majorly off for the last week or so. Like person does action X in game and it doesn't show up in killcam or is in a completely different place. Maybe it is true because latency disparity would cause these problems with higher tick servers.


Shit Gamer
Been trying for weeks to bust through my plateau at around rank 58, and finally managed to crack 60 for the first time before the season end! I feel like this is probably about my peak skill level in this game, my aim I don't think is good enough to progress much further.

I've prided myself so far on keeping a level head in-game despite the frustration that often comes playing these types of team games. That said, there was one match I couldn't help but to go on rage/tilt afterwards.

I play a lot of Pharah even though its not that popular in the meta right now. She's probably my best hero and I find the McCrees/Soldiers at my skill level aren't able to shut her down the way people see in pro games, so I usually end up doing well with her. Anyway, I'm playing this KOTH match as Pharah, and there's a couple of guys on my team who will not stop ragging on my Pharah pick. Its not like I picked her as like a 6th DPS or anything crazy, we had a reasonable 2/2/2 composition, they just wouldn't STFU about it and wanted me switch to some other DPS. Nonetheless though, I'm having one of the best games of my life, I'm at like 65 eliminations and 10 deaths in a losing match. Meanwhile these guys are fucking hellbent on focusing all of their rage on the fucking Pharah pick as the source of our problem. Finally the score board rolls around, at the end of the match, I'm the only player on our team to post a card on the scoreboard with a fucking 95% KILL PARTICIPATION! That's the highest I've EVER seen in any competitive match.

These guys continue to bitch me out after the scoreboard is up, they just can't fathom any responsibility for a loss could lay on their shoulders. It fucking sucks sometimes that no matter what you do, and no matter how hard you try not to let it get under your skin you inevitably end up having to play games with these fucking raging aspie retards, it fucking wears you down sometimes.



Log Wizard
Be real though... did you have less than 10 elims total? Cuz then it's less impressive.

I had 74% participation as Mei last night. With 37 elims. Dat's a lotta freezy-do-beam.


Shit Gamer
Be real though... did you have less than 10 elims total? Cuz then it's less impressive.

I ended with ~65 elims, 10 deaths. That's why I was tilting, I wanted to be enjoying one of my best games, but instead get berated for 15mins.


Molten Core Raider
I wish they'd just bring back a new and improved version of "Avoid Player." It's honestly a smart idea and can be improved on greatly.

As a Hanzo main, I know the exact conversations.. I get it all the time.. cause you know Hanzo is F tier, near zero play time, can't ever work. I had one today actually, arguably low elims and damage but still holding gold in three categories.. yet i'm to blame. I point out that I have three gold, but I mistakenly asked.. calmly.. if I have gold what does that say about our other 3 dps players(Mei, Genji, McCree)? The Mei got instantly butt hurt, so he just started walling people off constantly in spawn.. how these people get SR74.. I will never know. I could have arguably swapped, but this duo queue insisted on just not giving a fuck at all.

I had another two? nights ago. It had my queue in tears. There was a guy who was whispering while talking, trying to blame my pick again as Hanzo because we went 1-0 to 1-1(58%/100%) on KOTH. I mean, he started off by saying if you don't do good as Hanzo, please swap. I can understand that, I do it all the time, but I 'solely' carried the first part. The second part I could only really manage two picks per life average, but I was getting some crucial picks and we couldn't nec capitalize on it. We get to the Match 3, guy is still bitching about it.. I ask him to give me a reason that I am wrong in my pick, and explain to me how i'm not performing with Golds in literally 4 categories. His answer was the basic, hes no good, hes not meta, no one plays him, followed with just because you have Gold doesn't mean its a good pick. Continued to get some extremely crucial picks, go on to win it. Win round 4, with him still bitching a little less because my queue is getting tired of it at this point and start making fun of his whisper and waking his mom. I end w/ the 4 Gold coin card, everyone including the other 2 randoms erupts chat complaining shit hanzo pick, terrible idea, shitzo, god awful, get carried. Dude leaves immediately and we all start dying of laughter.

It's annoying that people have to meta dick ride so hard, because it is obviously the only answer. Gotta love the always right mentality.

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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'd argue that the only meta that should always be respected is Lucio and Rein


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah competitive can be really frustrating. I feel like im ok (peak around 60 the same as you), but not decent enough to carry a lot of games. My friend asked me to do some games on his 40s, just to see if theres much difference, and I found it very very taxing on my patience. Mostly it was overall game quality, a lot of people actually surprised me with good awareness (for example mccree snap flashbanging me which i didnt see at all in the 30s, they didn't let my tracer run wild either), but decision making seems poor at this level. Like my team seemed to actually want to lose, tilting people from the start over picks (had someone actually say lucio does no healing). I dont get tilted much, but had a game with a really good defence on Numbani so we just needed to push their first point to win. Guy picks toblerone. I say exactly 'toblerone is great, but since we just need to assault one point quickly and get some picks, maybe a zarya or another offensive character would be good'. No reply. Guy proceeds to play toblerone doing absolutely NOTHING, watching him on the kill field try to set up his turret in stupid positions, and we are unable to push. So it goes to coinflip, we get defense, he switches OFF toblerone now onto a junkrat, stands at the entrance, and dies in the first 10 seconds. We actually got wiped at the point after that, but somehow made it back and won the game, but holy shit did that tilt me hard. Worse still this guy was grouped with three other people, and picking a character like that for a quick push attack is bad for SO many reasons, how could none of them even question that


Potato del Grande
No shit at people parroting "meta" in low ranks. Got a lecture about playing "trash" mercy and dont play her until buffed etc etc, with >40% team dmg taken in healing..... Meanwhile the fucking geniuses playing reaper and the tracer on koth I swear were killing nothing (From following them a few times)

This is after everyone refused to heal.


I absolutely love the people in low ranks trying to lecture teams on "how to play better". Best part is they don't even get the irony.


Golden Squire
At the lower ranks when solo queuing up to the mid 50s I feel you have to play a strong offensive DPS to carry properly. The number of times you will run into issues where your team mates can't kill the other team far outweighs the situations where you honestly need another tank and/or healer. Obviously if you're the only one who can play tank or healer, do that. Otherwise go DPS.