I'm waiting for the Genji ult nerf. Genji at high level is the new Bastion. Almost every play of the game is a 4+ dragonblade kill. Not sure what they need to do to his ult but the only thing you can do is counter ult him or have the best McCree flashbang possible, being that there's a 90% chance of him moving and jumping while you flash him which makes him stun, fall, and immediately recover. I've been getting super pissed flashbanging Genji's who are in the air who continue momentum out of line of sight.
Genji is completely vulnerable when he ults. If everyone focuses him he will die so quick. He only has 200hp
I had a game as Zenyetta where I think I countered almost every Genji ultimate with mine. The next game, I had the same Genji but on my team...he said laughing that maybe he'll be able to kill sometching this game.
upvoted but not sure it's in need of a fix tbh. Would be nice if the damage was separated out but ... yeaSupport my crusade
People avoiding shooting Rein shield is also retarded
I ended with ~65 elims, 10 deaths. That's why I was tilting, I wanted to be enjoying one of my best games, but instead get berated for 15mins.