Ehh, see.. now if both teams; rare situation but also less dense on both sides of the specrtum.. void x player, then we are back to the drawing board. Hes bounced between two teams that essentially don't want him, and extremely rare scenario.. but as Tigole said, the player in question was a widow main that was basically just ostracized by everyone in his rank.. so whether the player was good, or the fact he was an always widow.. he was avoided by everyone essentially going into the next paragraph. With adding "percent" or "weight" it could easily be in the idea that he will either go the team that is less weighed versus the team more weighed against. Therefor, if you and your friends are a bunch of dps mains, and dont' want other dps mains on your team... it works more into your favor that you don't get the additional dps main. It could even be adjusted to where its value is gauged by the density of the rank/group rating.
By giving everyone their own weight to an equation.. it does add a bit of more complexity, but you and me could queue together.. you could hate the fucking shit out of player x, while I didn't mind him at all. Reminds me of a game I had w/ a Winston, his entire time he spoke ape.. my friend was going nuts over discord pissed as fuck, I couldn't stop laughing and loving every minute of this guy; would queue again 10/10.