It's funny and a little annoying to deal with that mindset from teammates in game. The brain tries to rationalize and explain the loss but the thought of "they were just better than us" means that the individual thinking that was also to blame. But if it can be explained away by "my team had a shitty comp" then it's no longer that individual's fault but everyone else. I'm sick of having a 2 tank, 2 healer, 2 DPS team where we have all of our bases covered (hitscan, AoE, tempo swing ults, etc) but then once we lose it's always the comps fault. It certainly can be the comp but in competitive, at least at respectable ratings, people genuinely try to adapt and fit meta comps. Most games are 2 balanced comps against one another. Then at lower ratings they're just as likely to have a shitty comp as you, technically slightly more so as you can control your own place in the meta leaving 5 on your team to pick oddly vs all 6 of them. Very often, though, the enemy is just better than you. It can be a hard thing to accept.