I'd only get my perspective. That would make it impossible for me to decipher why my team wiped while I was Reaper keeping 2 players busy -- which is what I really need to understand. I'm clearly making incorrect decisions in my gameplay and I'm not sure what those incorrect decisions are due to a lack of information.
Your perspective can still say a lot, things like position, target priority, and decision making can all come into play from just your perspective alone. Hence keeping two players busy as a Reaper. Are you keep two crucial targets busy? Is their carry dismantling your team behind his team while you're off taking off relatively non-relative or low priority targets? One of the most frustrating things is people assume reaper is a flanker, when he more fits the role of ambushing than flanking. He can easily divert attention and reset position by shifting out; if not getting a kill on his way out.
Things that we might be missing would be something like, understanding who is the priority target. Who is delivering the most pressure, and what issues are hurting other teammates from doing anything. For instance last night, I had a KoTH game with my friends on Ana, Zen, and myself on McCree. I couldn't nec get off McCree because we needed something to deal w/ the Genji/Tracer for the healers, while we had a Genji of our own doing mediocre-ish. Since we we're the 3 stack we were to blame, though we knew the immediate issue.. the monkey was entirely too free. So Genji proceed to bitch at me saying i'm a shit dps, that I can't play dps, ect.. and told me to get off McCree. We're 0-2 by this point, so I sub off McCree and he gets off from his Genji to Reaper pick to get McCree. We end up bringing it back to 2-2 because every time that monkey jumped in, he was either slept/discorded/ or two tapped by me, because now I can consistently deal w/ the monkey while the McCree did whatever he did. We ended up losing it because the McCree thought it was a great idea to go Roadhog that couldn't hit a hook on either Genji or Tracer.. but you know its the three stacks fault. Shit like that would be hard to see from your perspective, but it also requires your teammates to communicate an issue that is prevalent for them; and adjust from there. But that doesn't seem to always happen, so at this point, our best solution is by gauging yourself and what you could do to better.
I didn't watch all of APAC, but i'm familiar with the strongest strategy basically being moving as one entity; reaper thrives in this kind of environment. He can turn brawls on it's head with proper target priority.
As far as ratios, as a dps main.. regardless of doing good or bad, its rare to be below 3:1. Not saying it hasn't happened, but very rare. If i'm carrying I can be anywhere from 3:1 to 6:1
unrelated but if interested, a 2 minute hold on hanamura on attack w/ hanjo