God fuck d.vas shield in the fucking retarded ass. Fucking annoying it has unlimited absorb+insane duration
Thought it was 40% off through blizzard right now.overwatch is $28 at best buy with GCU if you wanna buy friends some copies, all platforms, should be same price in store. pc copy is just a battle.net key
overwatch - Best Buy
I was in 2700ish comp and the 4 man in our team kept yelling at me to kill Pharah (I was 76). I literally couldn't. Not because I suck at Soldier, but because they would immediately burn me or Pharah would just chill behind their Reinhardt shield on the ground. In fact, she did that probably 70% of the game and the 4 man consisted of 2 healers and 2 tanks and none of them worked on the Rein shield. Made me sad. Of course they blamed me, but that's fine.