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When I have a Dva getting me down, I hop on Mei or Tracer.God fuck d.vas shield in the fucking retarded ass. Fucking annoying it has unlimited absorb+insane duration
Mei especially if the Dva is being super aggressive.
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When I have a Dva getting me down, I hop on Mei or Tracer.God fuck d.vas shield in the fucking retarded ass. Fucking annoying it has unlimited absorb+insane duration
Yeah I wont queue solo competitive, cause you get jackasses that insist they're the best genji or tracer or or widowmaker and wont swap. Had a guy play with me that had over 500 hours in tracer, and 5 hours in other classes and refused to accept he sux (season high 2500)So much toxicity in competitive. Putting that aside though this is the most fun i've had in a shooter since TFC
Whats GCU? I only see 34.99 on blizzard and that link.overwatch is $28 at best buy with GCU if you wanna buy friends some copies, all platforms, should be same price in store. pc copy is just a battle.net key
overwatch - Best Buy
This happens every match where there is a Pharah. It's like people don't realize that enemies respawn.Yeah my group always bitches at whoever is playing soldier lol. But I feel u, I always focus on her as soldier but sometimes she hides b ehind trees and crap. But when I'm pharah its like zenyatta, mcree, dva and soldier against me
Having the sentries available to deploy stack up to 6 is a colossal change. Every minute she can pretty casually deploy a 6 stack of death above entryways, etc. I do wonder what the radius of the generator will be, and if it will impact inanimate things like turrets. Even if it's pretty big, I think you'd have a hard time finding a place for it on maps like Hanamura B point. On maps like King's Row B or Route 66 B, I think she'll be really viable.
I'm still not sure how this makes her support. The projected barrier is pretty interesting though. But it feels like hamfisting an offensive ability into a defensive kit.
Having the sentries available to deploy stack up to 6 is a colossal change. Every minute she can pretty casually deploy a 6 stack of death above entryways, etc. I do wonder what the radius of the generator will be, and if it will impact inanimate things like turrets. Even if it's pretty big, I think you'd have a hard time finding a place for it on maps like Hanamura B point. On maps like King's Row B or Route 66 B, I think she'll be really viable.