At this point, I feel as if Blizzard needs to take initiative and some how factor in behavior as an asset to the whole elo system, since the idea of avoid player will probably not come back to fruition. Not sure how, as it'd probably take more man power/hour than some few lines of code. I'm not even talking about the one tricks. I could give two fucks if you're a current symm one trick, as long as you show that you're actually trying.. who the fuck cares, you're trying. It's stressful sure, i'd be nice if you had something to back it up but its nothing to report.
I'm more referring to those guys that either insult another teammate for no god damn reason, so you spend the entire match listening to two monkey's comparing dick size. Superiority complexes in which because i'm 4100; I am now the best there ever was so fuck you and everything you think despite the previous seasons absymal performances of 2.8 and r57 lol. Or the guy that doesn't get the meta dickhugging comp, so he locks in sombra, says because people play what they want, i'll play what I want too and sit there obviously throwing.
I mean in most sports? I don't really watch them, but there is some sort of foul mechanic or benching method that happens...? why not some how apply that? I mean obviously don't send them to the cesspools of low elo because their skill is still present but i'm sure you'd be less of an asshat if you get penalized for being an asshat.
Then there is the otherside of is it worth it? cause people are/will abuse the mechanic of reporting and that causes someone on the other end to have to sift through even more bullshit. Factoring if its one bad game, or a common occurrence. I think factoring in even something as simple as a day comp ban, or ranging any number of days would work dividends. I mean their goal is to create an enjoyable game for people? I wouldn't be mad if I got benched for a day or two because I raged on some kid for something stupid; though its not something I do anyways.
After a certain point, skill in terms of aiming/positioning becomes an extremely blurred line and the reliance on the prowess of communication raises significantly so. But I don't really know how to go on about people that are somewhere it almost seems they don't belong rofl.