He's moving pretty slow
This game... man
1 win away from Diamond: DRAW
1 win away from Diamond Part 2: LOSE
2 games away from Diamond: Steamroll 'gg ez' WIN.
1 win away from Diamond Part 3: LOSE
then LOSE
then LOSE
Dedicated 4 hours of game time last night (which is 2-3x more than usual!) to try and get Diamond but just couldn't pull it out. Ended at 2908 or something after peaking at 2981.
Hopefully I don't downward spiral after being so close
Make sure your head is right before queueing again. I've done shit like this where I get mega tilted for like a week and end up losing 500 SR.
Also avoid, "I'm going to have a couple beers and unwind playing Overwatch." Fantastic way to lose 500.