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There are a few characters that don't require that much aiming.
Reaper is pretty forgivable if you have bad aim, since his range is so short...you are basically in their face all the time. He's also not a twitch character, since he just walk slowly everywhere and then shoot you in the face.
Tracer is not as forgivable as Reaper, but she is still fairly close range, the difference is that she much more twitchy play style, so you need to adjust your aim more.
Junkrat doesn't require good aiming, he requires a lot of good map awareness on where to fire, and anticipation of where people will be.
Mei is also kind of ok for people with bad aim, her right click requires some aiming...but it's not what makes a good Mei. Good usage of her wall, and freezing people(which doesn't require much aim) is what makes an annoying Mei. For some reason, I aim well with her, can't hit shit with McCree but I do very well with her.
Zarya is also pretty good, she requires aiming but since you have a fucking laser pointing out exactly where you're shooting it helps a lot.
Winston as mentioned before is good for people with bad aim.
Roadhog is also pretty good, you need aim for the hook, but his right and left click are pretty easy to land. The hook is harder but it's not so much aim, as much as knowing exactly where to throw it...the aiming itself is fairly forgivable. With the changes recently it's easier to 1 shot people too now.
Symmetra is king of not requiring aiming, and she's a lot of fun to play but limited mostly to defense on some maps.
Mercy is a no brainer as far as aiming is concerned.
Zenyatta requires good aiming, but again for some reason I do pretty well with him like Mei. Also like her, aiming and getting kills isn't the primary thing he does...discord and support heals is...so even if you are not as good at aiming, you can still be fairly efficient.
So there is a few options for people like us with poor aim. The best way I found to improve my aim so far has been to play custom games, with headshot only, put Ana as your opponents and use McCree. Ana can't headshot so she will not kill you, and you'll need to get headshot to kill her...it worked out pretty good for me. I still suck, but I have improved quite a bit.
Reaper is pretty forgivable if you have bad aim, since his range is so short...you are basically in their face all the time. He's also not a twitch character, since he just walk slowly everywhere and then shoot you in the face.
Tracer is not as forgivable as Reaper, but she is still fairly close range, the difference is that she much more twitchy play style, so you need to adjust your aim more.
Junkrat doesn't require good aiming, he requires a lot of good map awareness on where to fire, and anticipation of where people will be.
Mei is also kind of ok for people with bad aim, her right click requires some aiming...but it's not what makes a good Mei. Good usage of her wall, and freezing people(which doesn't require much aim) is what makes an annoying Mei. For some reason, I aim well with her, can't hit shit with McCree but I do very well with her.
Zarya is also pretty good, she requires aiming but since you have a fucking laser pointing out exactly where you're shooting it helps a lot.
Winston as mentioned before is good for people with bad aim.
Roadhog is also pretty good, you need aim for the hook, but his right and left click are pretty easy to land. The hook is harder but it's not so much aim, as much as knowing exactly where to throw it...the aiming itself is fairly forgivable. With the changes recently it's easier to 1 shot people too now.
Symmetra is king of not requiring aiming, and she's a lot of fun to play but limited mostly to defense on some maps.
Mercy is a no brainer as far as aiming is concerned.
Zenyatta requires good aiming, but again for some reason I do pretty well with him like Mei. Also like her, aiming and getting kills isn't the primary thing he does...discord and support heals is...so even if you are not as good at aiming, you can still be fairly efficient.
So there is a few options for people like us with poor aim. The best way I found to improve my aim so far has been to play custom games, with headshot only, put Ana as your opponents and use McCree. Ana can't headshot so she will not kill you, and you'll need to get headshot to kill her...it worked out pretty good for me. I still suck, but I have improved quite a bit.