A little harsh?Maybe its the world telling him he's a cunt for playing KBM versus controllers?
Event legendarys are 3000One more day left and still havent gotten any of the legendary's i wanted. I have 4000 gold coins though. so, ill get them by tonight, if i dont get hem by playing a fuckload today. lol
whats it called when theres one class thats good against another class?
Does anyone use a XIM4 on the PS4 for this? My son says it isn't working for him.
Yeah the XIM4 works for every other game so he is just going to play BLOPS3 and Borderlands to see if he wants to switch to PC.My 7 years old daughter use a xim4. First make sur the controller is full. The XIM4 as enough power to feed keyboard, mouse and just enough to keep the controller at Max battery power. Also use decent quality USB cable.