
Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>

I seriously dont get dudes who blow their load of those prostitutes. Seriously they look trash as fuck yet dudes are paying them thousands of dollars + flying them out and putting them up in hotels?

And people "donating" to streamers will always be beyond me. Why? Why do you give some kid money for simply playing a video game? Worst are the Tyens of the world. Ive come across music streamers on youtube raking in donations for fucking hitting a play button. Hundreds of dollars for streaming other peoples work.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Moonmoon casting a game: Classic Lucio positioning hopping around like a fucking idiot.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I seriously dont get dudes who blow their load of those prostitutes. Seriously they look trash as fuck yet dudes are paying them thousands of dollars + flying them out and putting them up in hotels?

And people "donating" to streamers will always be beyond me. Why? Why do you give some kid money for simply playing a video game? Worst are the Tyens of the world. Ive come across music streamers on youtube raking in donations for fucking hitting a play button. Hundreds of dollars for streaming other peoples work.

I've always assumed they were lonely losers.


Molten Core Raider
Finally done my placement matches. I didn't played much in S3 and I was ranked mid gold. I did my S4 placement matches went 1 win, 1 draw and 8 defeats(played 2 matches with a troll bastion) and my final ranking was 2600 plat... I really don't understand.


Lord Nagafen Raider
And here I was, gold last season as well, I go 9-1 in my placements and played great, I wound up at 2350. The ranking system is fucked as long as it keeps utilizing hidden mmr you have accrued while dicking around in quick play or whatever the current system does. God damn it I'm salty over this.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You think it should reset your MMR ever season? That would make every start of the season a complete shitshow.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No idea. But I didn't know quick play mmr mattered in ranked until this season. I spend a lot of time in between season trying new things on quick play and paying with friends who are hot garbage at this game. I would have taken that shit seriously had I known it was going to affect me negatively in ranked this season.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
AFAIK quick match MMR only matters when you don't have a competitive MMR. Going from season to season your placements don't matter a whole ton and it is like you're playing on your MMR from last season. You were gold and you got put in mid gold after placements. I don't know what you were expecting.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Maybe I'm just confused. If I was gold and the system only used my ranked mmr, then I can't complain I guess. I kept hearing at the start of this season that quick play hidden mmr does indeed affect placement ranks. I hope I am wrong though.

I guess I just expected to be placed higher than I was, considering I ended season 3 at a higher rank than I placed at this season, even after going 9-1 in placements.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know the full ins and outs but like I said AFAIK QP MMR is only factored in when you have no competitive MMR. Mainly because they don't want to get a level25 smurf who just shit stomped QP going in to bronze and shit stomping some more so it uses the QP seed value. Everytime I've done placements in this game I always end up +/- 150 points or so from my last season ranking.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I don't know the full ins and outs but like I said AFAIK QP MMR is only factored in when you have no competitive MMR. Mainly because they don't want to get a level25 smurf who just shit stomped QP going in to bronze and shit stomping some more so it uses the QP seed value. Everytime I've done placements in this game I always end up +/- 150 points or so from my last season ranking.

So why bother with placements if you already have a comp rank, then? Or even seasons at all? New season, same as the old season. Just periodically reward cosmetics or whatever if you want that tied to comp ranks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Seasons are mostly in place just to refresh the top500 and award seasonal rewards. I doubt any competitive multi player game does a full wipe of your MMR everytime they have a seasonal or ladder reset. It is also a good way to bring people back every few months. The ladder always seems more packed at the start of the season versus the middle.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I posted about this before, but the way OW does their ladder resets is completely asinine.

Frankly, either you wipe & soft reset everyone, or don't wipe and just make seasons a year long or whatever. Makes no sense that 99.9% of the player base just does promos to end right back where they ended previous season.

OW is kinda between LoL & HS..

LoL does 1 year wipes with soft reset and max you can go from your Promos is Plat.
HS is 1 month wipes that are soft reset and best you can be reset to is 16
OW is 3 month wipes that mostly put you right back where you ended except for the top 0.01%

Makes sense.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm convinced that if they did a soft reset on mmr so that next seasons placements truly matter, I'd place in a slightly higher rank than I have been in making it a tiny bit easier to climb throughout the season. I'm operating on the assumption that diamond players are typically better than the average gold or plat player. I could be wrong about that. I could also be wrong about my ability to climb. But as it stands, I'm not good enough to climb out of gold/plat ranks when 3/4 of my games have people leaving/trolling/throwing on purpose. I can't carry a team through that. So I figure a soft reset is a light at the end of the tunnel. Am I delusional? :p Maybe I should just make a new account and test it out. Anyone have any experience in this?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm convinced that if they did a soft reset on mmr so that next seasons placements truly matter, I'd place in a slightly higher rank than I have been in making it a tiny bit easier to climb throughout the season. I'm operating on the assumption that diamond players are typically better than the average gold or plat player. I could be wrong about that. I could also be wrong about my ability to climb. But as it stands, I'm not good enough to climb out of gold/plat ranks when 3/4 of my games have people leaving/trolling/throwing on purpose. I can't carry a team through that. So I figure a soft reset is a light at the end of the tunnel. Am I delusional? :p Maybe I should just make a new account and test it out. Anyone have any experience in this?

Yes you're delusional. The point of a reset is to de-rank people. Doing any reset at all should demote every player at least 1 full ranking, if not more. Highest placement should be 2500 (plat), and anyone in plat currently should get demoted to silver at best. I'm plat and if I was reset to silver I'd be playing a whole lot more than I am currently.

I normally end promos at 2400 and it takes like 3 wins to get my ranking back, then rest of season is zzzzzzzzz.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I must not understand what a reset is then. I figured we all start back at zero, like at the beginning of ranked seasons, then you place and go on with your ranked play. Why would everyone just be thrown back a full rank?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I must not understand what a reset is then. I figured we all start back at zero, like at the beginning of ranked seasons, then you place and go on with your ranked play. Why would everyone just be thrown back a full rank?

In games not called Overwatch, resets are usually "soft resets". You never gain ranking after a soft reset, even after promos.
So lets use League of Legends which IMO does it mostly the right way...

Take your current MMR (which they hide from you), but lets say it's 2500
1200 is their net 0 rank, like if you went exactly 50/50 win/loss you'd be 1200... it comes from the old ELO system.
The reset formula is (CurrentMMR+1200)/2
So (2500+1200)/2 = 1,850.

1,850 is around plat IV in LoL.
2,500 is like Diamond I.

So 1,850 is the reset MMR and THEN you have promos which are +/- about 50 MMR a game, which is about 5x more than usual. If you win all 10 games that's +500 MMR to sit you around 2,350, however, League caps you out at Plat I, so even after Promos you will be finally placed at Plat I even though your hidden MMR is like Diamond III tier.


So even at best case scenario and winning all 10 promo games, you still lost several "tiers" of hidden MMR, and quite a substantial tier of visible ranking since you went from Diamond I to Plat I. But the good players will rank back up the hard way and bad players will face the struggle again.

Conclusion: You never gain ranks, and quite often you will lose many ranks. Like go from Gold to Bronze and shit.

edit: and if you're still confused, what Im saying is the very best OW players would de-rank to Plat, and the plat players would de-rank to silver/low gold, and the gold players would de-rank to bronze/low silver, etc.

edit2: Correction, the very worst players do GAIN rank actually, as they come closer to the 1200 spot even though their rating might be sub 1k
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<Bronze Donator>
There is just this misunderstanding that you should be climbing in ranked which isn't true unless you are getting better art the game. Ranked is designed to try to give you evenly matched games not be something that you just climb like hearthstone


Golden Squire
I only play while drunk so its kind of like voluntarily hanging out with people with downs while I fight against the current here in mid silver.