Seriously, fuck this game sometimes. Climbed from 2600 to 2950 tonight and internet drops in a game and I come back down over 50 points and banned.
Also, people in plat are so toxic, it's really funny. Whenever I forget to completely mute the team, which is rarely, these plat dickwads are always shit talking my soldier play, yet I've climbed to diamond 3 times on 2 accounts over 2 seasons strickly on the back of soldier one trick with a 65+% win rate, while they're maxing out in mid platinum. I swear that half of being stuck in plat is actually taking anything these morons say to heart.
In some ways, it sort of sucks. I would love to play Rein a bit more, but dealing with these self absorbed 18 year olds is painful and you really need communication to rein properly.