Depends on the tournament client, if it's connected to the main servers, or is LAN only. Would be difficult having in-client spectating and safeguarding the tournament.theres no reason a company like blizzard can't build what steam does with HLTV, delay the live feed by ~3 minutes and then allow people to watch it in game doing your own camera work, or switching player perspectives etc.
Should have a separate stream for each player viewpoint.
I kind of agree. It's more than that though. One of the thing that I find interesting about OWL is how they are trying to copy traditional NA pro sports league in the setup but also in the presentation. It's truly an interesting experience.
I think they are failing to take advantage of their medium though. It's all digital, they could do so much more with the presentation, and options they could give to the viewer.
Being able to select a player viewpoint is one example. I would love to have the overhead display with the position of the players on at all time when watching a match. Allow me to have the viewpoint of a player in a small window while I watch the main window...or multiple viewpoint if I want. Allow me to view replays at anytime(last 15-30secs) from any viewpoint.
Make the game file available so I can watch the game inside Overwatch, and select the camera angle I want.
I know Jeff mentioned the tools are not there yet, not easy enough to use for regular people.
This is where they can offer a superior product than regular sports league., by offering a more customizable viewing experience...and it's possible since all of it is digital.
Depends on the tournament client, if it's connected to the main servers, or is LAN only. Would be difficult having in-client spectating and safeguarding the tournament.
League of Legends uses a Tournament client and doesn't have in-game spectating either. They would need to develop some sort of game info/data transfer from their tournament client to a spectating server you connect to, maybe it's possible, anything is possible I guess, but it certainly won't be easy. Still might open up ways to disrupt the tournament client.
AFAIK the tournament realm for OWL is offline LAN. It has the ability to run older patches than what goes live. While you could set up edge servers to federate the game updates to multiple spectating clients it would be super difficult for the OW client to be able to support multiple versions since the way it works is the server just tells the client about updates and if the two aren't speaking the same patch it just wouldn't work. Same reason why major new Starcraft patches would brick old Starcraft replay files.
Jesus this Pine McCree