Poor Effect cracked because of the NA ladder with it's one tricks and trolls.
Effect highlights from Competitive with symmetra one trick • r/Competitiveoverwatch
Dear Effect,
I love watching you play! You are so incredibly talented. I'm very aware of the frustration you are facing and the issues that you talk about are part of our daily discussions.
"Fixing the one trick issue" is extremely complicated for a lot of different reasons. There is a spirit, freedom and creativity to the game that we are eager to protect. But I also believe that (especially at your level of play) other players can cause a detrimental experience.
I don't have immediate solutions to your problem that don't drastically change the face of Overwatch. But I do want you to know that we care and that we are very engaged in brainstorming solutions.
Changes will not happen fast on this subject. But with that said, we have placed urgency on ourselves to make a change. For example, one thing we are examining now is all of the reasons players do not want to group with each other when they play (and there currently are a lot -- some real and some perceived). I wish there was a world where OW players felt like they could play with who they want. This would be an immediate solve to the problem but we are a long way from achieving such a state.
In any event, please know that I hear your frustration. We'll do our best to make OW better not only for pros like you, but for everyone who faces similar challenges.
All the best,
jeffrey + ow team
'Comp' play is just essentially quick play but with ranks. It will never ever be competitive in the sense that people want it to be, due to human nature and people just being shitty. No matter if one tricks get banned (they won't), or there was a role queue (this will not happen in a game where you can change your hero and role at any time). Add onto this the fact that a lot of 'throwing' is completely subjective. I watched my silver friends stream, he's a salty fuck. He just complains endlessly about 'stupid picks', when 50% of the the time they're completely fine, and doesn't notice his own terrible choices (e.g. playing a reaper and literally just standing at a doorway at ranged shooting and feeding over and over again).
A completely premade group is the only way to have a proper, competitive game. Comp games where you don't need any sort of premade team beforehand only offer increased accessibility, at a huge detriment to quality of games, and its amazing after all this time people still don't realise that. It will always be by its very nature inconsistent. Can you imagine if blizzard had completely static hero choices in comp queue with randoms, the completely same teams vs teams, people would STILL fucking complain about team mates, 'trying new heroes, PLS ONLY ONETRICKS GUYS', 'omg this guy has less than 200 hours on main role what a fucking noob' 'blizzard pls ban non-onetricks pls'.
Premade clan type games/scrims are the only sort of real competitive scene this game has to offer.
I disagree with some of this.
Changing hero on the fly has no relevance to competitive.
By definition, a game is "competitive", you seem to have your own little definition for what "comp play" means to you.
I think the majority of players understand that "comp play" just means "try to win".
Adding ranks simply means "this is the mode where you don't dick off".
You also seem to say that "picks are fine" but also "serious comp play would always be same picks". So which is it? Either "pick flexibility" means nothing or it does, i don't know what your argument is.
However, I do agree that FLEX QUEUE is a huge detriment to the system. This was tried in League of Legends and they had to quickly abandon it (at least re-added Solo/Duo), because Flex Queue is GARBAGE. People just don't complain about it in OW because there never was a Solo/Duo only queue here.
There should be "competitive teams/flex" and "competitive solo/duo", like LoL does. But honestly, OW doesn't have the playerbase to support it. I know we like to think it's rocking with players, but once you get high-plat+ you see the same people over and over. (at least I do).
My argument is that you can call a queue where six randoms queue up together whatever you want, even if its solo queue only, even if you ban all toxicity etc, you will STILL have an unrewarding gaming experience because the accessibility of throwing together strangers and expecting them to work together somehow does not negate the completely unpleasant experience it creates. Clans are the only way around this.