Lord of Guk
- 1,170
- 2,588
I also look forward to the forthcoming DVA nerfs because she is also completely absurd but seems to have slipped under the radar so far. Oh wait, I guess it'll be 133 days so like the middle of June? Great
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I also look forward to the forthcoming DVA nerfs because she is also completely absurd but seems to have slipped under the radar so far. Oh wait, I guess it'll be 133 days so like the middle of June? Great
Remember the good old Mercy days where you build ult then hide?
yeah lot of post about mercys throwing in games, havent seen this yet but lot of people saying it. bunch of children. like how easy did you have to have it that you now have to act like the world is over..So many Mercy main want that back, the official forums are full of request for Mercy 1.0
So many Mercy main want that back, the official forums are full of request for Mercy 1.0
I think the type-queue lock is cool like you queue as tank you stay tank, but there are the times when we lose the first round and everyone changes it up, dps go healer or tank and healer or tank go dps etc and it works. Sometimes I'm a better hit scan than the dps even though I went healer, so that situation worries me but hopefully if you queue as something youre somewhat decent, but if they're just stubborn and want to "learn" in competitive then you're fucked in that game with that guy.
And yeah I see a lot of moira one tricks, I mean yeah thats my most played but I'll move it around.
I don’t think queue role would work at all. First do you push the 2-2-2 meta only? There situation where 3 dos is good, or the new quad tanks. Those would not be possible under that system.
Teams not playing/pushing aggresively is now my most hated thing in this game. We were attacking on numbani, I’m on DVA and trying to get people to push on to the point with me. I make the call I’m diving in, I take out the genii, torb turret, and orisa on my own. We’re up three picks and my team literally wouldn’t move in because they were too busy chasing the other three enemies around the perimeter. Reapawns come back and hold the point. This happened five more times until we eventually lost. Fuck.