Golden Knight of the Realm
- 488
- 136
Teams not playing/pushing aggresively is now my most hated thing in this game. We were attacking on numbani, I’m on DVA and trying to get people to push on to the point with me. I make the call I’m diving in, I take out the genii, torb turret, and orisa on my own. We’re up three picks and my team literally wouldn’t move in because they were too busy chasing the other three enemies around the perimeter. Reapawns come back and hold the point. This happened five more times until we eventually lost. Fuck.
Yeah this is super annoying and one of the biggest differences I notice between ranks. People just standing in front of an orissa shield like its an actual fucking mei wall and not something we can just all dive onto and get some picks off of for faster respawns or to actually win when we have ulti advantage. What frustrates me even more is when you get a few picks defending a push, no-one ever pushes out to stagger deaths, everyone just afks on point like its job done. Tilting.