

Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
The 2nd biggest issue I'm having is to dumb down my play. Not expecting anyone to cover a flank, to actually defend a point, or to wait for support to attack rather than run in 1 by 1 and die. So mostly I've had more fun playing a mid range zoner and floating around cleaning up after a skirmish.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Roadhog fucked up my hold the line play ;( We ended up winning this game, though!

edit: Also, they extended beta to May 10th



FoH nuclear response team
Seriously fuck Bastion, motherfucker landing instant death laser head shots from the other side of the map.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
After playing for about 6 hours I just do not understand why everyone is blowing their load over this game. The required skill is non existant with zero recoil, most people having some type of evasion/blink/hook ability to escape, instant kill ultis etc.
We get it dude, you suck at the game.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>

p331083 come at me bro, hook you good

Roadhog is mah boy.
Love how hes a complete rip off of pudge from DOTA. Seems like the hero so far that requires the most skill? No evasion ability, no instant kill ability and his ulti is god awful.

Bastion is mega OP. I can hook him and he can transform into the turret and kill me faster than I can kill him.


FoH nuclear response team

p331083 come at me bro, hook you good

Love how hes a complete rip off of pudge from DOTA. Seems like the hero so far that requires the most skill? No evasion ability, no instant kill ability and his ulti is god awful.
Idk man, Zenyatta is completely fucked if a competent player rounds a corner on you. You have absolutely no evasion abilities aside from the ult you don't want to waste just to save your own skin.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Brando01#1433 here, add me. Not sure how terribad I am but open to finding out.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah this game sucks solo and that makes me sad. I don't want to be in voice chat with 5 other people just to be able to properly enjoy the game and have fun and stand a chance. I'm not the kind of gamer that wants that nor enjoys that anymore. I guess if you have friends and you plan ahead than it's not totally necessary to voice chat, so that's good. But meh. J


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
God damn, a good Mei can REALLY do some shit in this game.

Blocking ults with icewall, fucking enemy teams with freezy bot ult, generally freezing people. Pretty impressive what you can do with her. Now that we're back on the Bastion talk again I feel that he is not OP. But his effectiveness in turret mode and behind a Reinhardt shield is crazy. I get that that is teamwork. It does annoy me that I can hook him and he can shift into turret mode and kill me before I can kill him. That is kinda lame.

He is incredibly weak to Widow/Hanzo and flanks though, so IDK. Might benefit from having a 100 round magazine in turret mode instead of 200.

Morrow what is your B.Net tag?


Love how hes a complete rip off of pudge from DOTA
That would be the Pudge that's a rip-off of a Warcraft abomination, yes?

I've liked using Symmetra's alt-fire against Bastion: it ignores shields completely and does decent damage when charged up. It's usually not that great because it'sslowbut it's not like Bastion is going to dodge when turreted up.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Symmetra is a good Reinhardt counter with her rclick for sure if he is just sitting there, although once people catch on, the rclick is super easy to avoid unless you're locked down.


Trakanon Raider
How the FUCK do I leave voice chat? Looked all over the internet and couldn't find shit. Had the most annoying tryhard nerd on team just now and couldn't do anything to leave the fucking god damn voice chat lol.

Edit: Found it. Just muted it in options. I thought it'd be intuitive like wow channel or something, fuckin hell.


Trump's Staff
So, I've been beta testing this all weekend, and my feelings are pretty mixed. To start off it has some of the best designed and highly polished classes/abilities of any team shooter I've ever played. This really goes a long, long way when it comes to a game like this since they are the focus of the game.

However, I am really feeling how repetitive the game gets with the very simple maps/game modes. The game is extremely fast paced, and this matches the simplicity of the heroes very well, but it does lead to sort of a groundhog day syndrome where after a couple of matches I have to take a break.

I contrast this with Battleborn because it is pretty much the exact opposite, where the hero designs are a horribly over-complicated mess that are a mishmash of often competing ideas, but the incursion game mode allows for some more interesting strategies and varied outcomes. I was able to marathon Battleborn before getting fatigued far longer than OW.

Overall I think Blizzard accomplished what they intended to accomplish, which is a "Highly Accessible Team Shooter." It is a fast paced pretty fun romp stripped down to its essentials and polished so hard you should only look at it through a pin-hole punched in some cardboard.


Trakanon Raider
So far, this game is really just making me miss TF2. Others have said it here, but the fact that its a teamwork game over being able to make solo plays I think is going to hurt it some. I was really excited about a new update to a TF2 style game that I could pop in and play some rounds during lunch or whatever but at least for the time being the obvious team interactions aren't making it into the pubbie mind. Simple shit like getting behind Reinhard and having someone heal him. At a competitive organized level all the characters might be balanced, but in pub matches some seem way more capable than others. It'd still want to see some balance passes.

One, Bastion is counterable with a good widow or Hanzo, but I still feel that a smart bastion set up far back with a long avenue of fire is better at sniping than either of the snipers. His accuracy seems almost laser beam like even at long range and his rate of fire allows him to kill more massed targets faster than either of the snipers. I'd like to see him have a little bit more inaccuracy at long range. Make is bullet spread a little wider at sniping ranges. Its sad that so many plays of the game (mine included) are just a Bastion sitting there mowing down people at checkpoints.

The other thing that bugs me is turrets. The near infinite tracking and 360 degree field of fire is bad enough, but it also seems they don't have an accuracy fall off with range. I prefer the TF2 version, where they are nasty but have a max targeting range. Sure I can pop in and out with a Widowmaker and whittle them down, but too often they are able to hit me even before I am far enough out of cover to hit them. Again, a bit of long range accuracy fall off would be nice. Also their ability to track fast heros is absurd. Even a blinking Tracer. Only way I can deal with a turret on Tracer is to blink in, stick it with my Ult and rewind out. Seems a bit weak when compared to say, Hanzo's ult.

Lastly, in TF2 I felt that every class, played well, had a way to deal with every other class. So far I am not feeling that with Overwatch. It seems to be the best way to deal with certain things in Overwatch is to get a different hero. I get that its a purposeful design choice but it seems kind of a poor one to me. Maybe I just haven't played the various heros enough to get good with them but it seems like hero balance could use some tweaking.

Anyway. Like some battered spouse though I'm still playing, trying to figure out how to make certain hero combinations work. I want to like the game. I just feel like it still needs balancing. Oh, and map design could use some work. I keep finding dead ends a lot when trying to discover ways to flank in order to deal with those long range bastions. Why put a long side route that dead ends on a map, unless you purposely put it there to waste someone's time? After a couple times on the map, people will know and there will be no point to that space what so ever. Wasted design.

Still liking it for the short low time commitment matches. It doesn't require a full hour+ like a Dota game, nor the time commitment of MMO raiding. So it really does scratch that itch well.

Maolain#1144 if people are looking for others to play with.