

For the people complaining about Bastion and turrets, remember that they are stationary targets, which is one of the most vulnerable things you can be in an FPS.

Almost every hero in the game has an infinite range shot with perfect accuracy. Literally all you have to do is peek and shoot from any range and you will kill the turret and you will either kill bastion or force him to move. It is 100% that easy. Especially easy against Bastion because his hit box is so large, half the time you can hit the side of his frame and he can't even see you yet.


Bastion is also quite squishy as well. The only issue I can agree with people on bastion is having a Reinhardt shield him is pretty goddamn aids on most maps. However if your teamactuallyshoots at the shield it generally goes down pretty quickly. Still rough, but not completely unbreakable like people make it out to be.

Also S76 shooting/rocketing every time off CD / Pharrah at range (you don't have to fly you know) can obliterate the shit out of a solo bastion, and those are probably the most easiest characters to play against stationary things, there's not really an excuse to say a lone bastion is shutting down your team.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Junkrat is good as well, because his nade projectiles do lots of damage and you can hit him without even needing LOS in some cases.


Add me Dashivax#1980

Looking for more good people to play QM with, my normal team doesn't play as many hours as I do


Trakanon Raider
The problem is its not a lone Bastion. And I agree. Junkrat, Pharah etc are good. But a Bastion that sets up a good bit behind his team can be a problem. Especially in unorganized pubs. In group play I don't think Bastion would be half the issue he is in random pubs. There you can coordinate. Go in as a group etc far better. But, in pubs set up behind his team at a check point he is cancer. Why I think a slight nerf to his accuracy at range would be good. Make it so he can't stand nearly as safely back as effectively.

Also starting to like Junkrat. Defensive hero my ass. The game needs to reassess some of those classifications. Just stand back and lob bombs all day er'ry day. Cleans off points like no ones business.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The problem is its not a lone Bastion. And I agree. Junkrat, Pharah etc are good. But a Bastion that sets up a good bit behind his team can be a problem. Especially in unorganized pubs. In group play I don't think Bastion would be half the issue he is in random pubs. There you can coordinate. Go in as a group etc far better. But, in pubs set up behind his team at a check point he is cancer. Why I think a slight nerf to his accuracy at range would be good. Make it so he can't stand nearly as safely back as effectively.

Also starting to like Junkrat. Defensive hero my ass. The game needs to reassess some of those classifications. Just stand back and lob bombs all day er'ry day. Cleans off points like no ones business.
They already nerfed Bastion at range (he used to be a chaingun sniper, now there is some spread). Pretty sure it was when they got rid of his personal shield.


Trakanon Raider
Guess I should be happy I didn't face the pre nerf version then. It seems interesting to me, as people have pointed out, that they seem to be balancing for competitive play as opposed to normal people. I enjoy the game but I don't know if it quite has the appeal of organized competition vs say CS, but this is Blizzard, and the name and their money backing alone will prolly carry it to success in that realm.

Another interesting design choice I wonder about is infinite ammo. Having to move every so often to get more ammo/parts would help with some of the Bastion/Turret issues in quick play.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Infinite ammo helps the matches keep going at a good pace. TF2 would always have stalemates because people would attack on both sides, then have to run back to get more ammo.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The infinite ammo does pose some problems but I'd say Junkrat is a bigger recipient of infinite ammo than Bastion. Its funny because when closed when down I think basically everyone predicted Torb/Bastion bitching and rants about how Zenyatta sucks. Which became reality. Every since Torb and Bastion got nerfed they're in good spots I feel.


Trakanon Raider
Guess I should be happy I didn't face the pre nerf version then. It seems interesting to me, as people have pointed out, that they seem to be balancing for competitive play as opposed to normal people. I enjoy the game but I don't know if it quite has the appeal of organized competition vs say CS, but this is Blizzard, and the name and their money backing alone will prolly carry it to success in that realm.

Another interesting design choice I wonder about is infinite ammo. Having to move every so often to get more ammo/parts would help with some of the Bastion/Turret issues in quick play.
Well right now your have CS emerging from its slumber and jumping between the most popular esports, while having like 10% of the operating costs of LoL, of course they will eventually try to hit that market, but Blizzard prefers taking their sweet ass time, as usual. I mean they finally added ranked seasons to HotS, a year after launch, which is the time when most other developers stop supporting their games. Especially after buying their way into every bigger LAN event there is in hopes of creating a pro scene, which inevitably fails.

I wonder how they will tackle things like replays, tickrates, custom maps, training, leagues etc.


FoH nuclear response team
Just played against a defense team that was nothing but Torbs and Bastions, just rage uninstalled and cancelled my pre-order, I can't deal with that kind of shit.


Vyemm Raider
Just played against a defense team that was nothing but Torbs and Bastions, just rage uninstalled and cancelled my pre-order, I can't deal with that kind of shit.
I definitely think Bastion needs to be toned down. I literally leaped behind a Bastion with Winston's ultimate and still died. Granted he had some team support, but there is always going to be some kind of team element in this team game, so I don't think you guys acting as if Bastion is always a lone entity are really credible. I'm up to level 22 now with 12 hours played and the only counter that usually works is to play Genji and reflect his turret back at him to instantly kill him. The fact that he instantly kills himself in that situation really speaks to his DPS output.

If the turret were like a 10 second setup or something, then I could sort of understand, but the reality is he can pop in and out of turret mode pretty quickly. How many times have you guys had to drop what you're doing to try and kill the Bastion first. If you have to literally ignore every other hero until the Bastion is down then that says quite a bit about his power level. I don't have a great solution, but I would put quite a bit of money on him getting a nerf of some sort. It's just not fun to play against when the only mode this game currently supports is objective. In a TDM setting you could basically just ignore that part of the map and catch him while he's moving.

In response to Tenks it's because there is likely a Widow on the other team as well who is counter sniping you, so again you are trying to kill this single turret character while getting shot at by 5 other people. There is also usually a Reinhardt or Winston shielding the Bastion as well when I'm on the attacking team.


what Suineg set it to
Played a bunch with friends yesterday evening. Matchmaking is OK with more people but not great. Mei and Roadhog are my most despised right now, they need HP nerfs and they'd be fine I think.

Besides that, the game is just super shallow. Even my friends who didn't get into closed beta were basically looking to swap to another game after a few hours because the matches are just not that interesting. As I guessed the shift away from TF "play the map" to MoBA "play the hero" just doesn't engage people in the same way. It's not "oh shit let's try widowmakers in the tower on this map lol lol" but "ok I guess run back as widowmaker".

Which brings me to another point, all the maps are claustrophobic and engagements change so much that basically playing the map well is a joke anyway. Flanking just means you pray they're idiots and still there but they usually aren't. There's rarely a side building with a longer field of fire. Vertical elements are just walkway over chokepoint over and over again. Meh.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If Bastion was this wildly OP he'd be ran in tournaments 100% of the time. At the moment he is a niche counter pick. He's only as good as the people running into his fire sight.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Bastion is a noob slayer. It's like Techies in DOTA: He shits on noobs until someone buys a gem, then he is worthless.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Kind of hard to counter a bastion in a corner with mercy around it healing him or rhinehart shielding him or worse both at the same time. Roadhog can deal with him, if he isnt shielded and in range of hook.

Of course thats the problem with 18 heroes. You can always just say oh you arent using xyz to counter, or xyz isnt meant to be played as offense/defense instead of you know, shits unbalanced.