I might have used the wrong adjectives but bottom-line is that it's completely out of character. She's traveling all over the world fighting baddies and being goofy as fuck at the same time. How the hell does she have a serious relationship? Now if this "Emily" character was another Hero that was her "partner" then.. yea, ok. But so far we have zero evidence that this Emily chick will ever be a Hero in the game. Does Tracer even have any dialogue mentioning her name anywhere?
Again, all I'm saying is that this is forced as fuck. It's just here to cater to the real-world social climate.
Have you actually, like, met very many people IRL? I know people EXACTLY like this. Not to mention every single argument you make could be said for every comic book "romance" in history since forever and people deal with those. Fact is some people have serious relationships despite having very different schedules and lifestyles. Fact is there's as many different kinds of relationships as there are pairs (or triples, or quads) of people. You may as well ask why Torb is forced hetero (presumably). It's all arbitrary writing decisions, every choice is as forced as the last.
Basically I'm saying your argument is just opinion bias and it's dumbIf you have any factual evidence of anything untowards, by all means, but otherwise just quit hating on sexy lesbos imo.
Also. Dva is in every. Fucking. Match. Ever.I can't wait until Dva is nerfed. What a completely anti-fun hero to play against. Defense matrix exists only to shut down everything and it is super unfun to play against her.
Yea I'm torn on her. Sucks to play against her but she's a good safety valve for things that might get too out of control. She's had so many buffs, I think her Matrix needs to stop absorbing projectiles and instead allows them to collide with the matrix. This way splash damage can still affect things at least. It would still absorb hit-scans like McCree/76/Reaper but to counter the D'Va you can be Pharah/Junk instead. Only good counter is Mei atm imo.I can't wait until Dva is nerfed. What a completely anti-fun hero to play against. Defense matrix exists only to shut down everything and it is super unfun to play against her.
I can't wait until Dva is nerfed. What a completely anti-fun hero to play against. Defense matrix exists only to shut down everything and it is super unfun to play against her.
Yea I'm torn on her. Sucks to play against her but she's a good safety valve for things that might get too out of control. She's had so many buffs, I think her Matrix needs to stop absorbing projectiles and instead allows them to collide with the matrix. This way splash damage can still affect things at least. It would still absorb hit-scans like McCree/76/Reaper but to counter the D'Va you can be Pharah/Junk instead. Only good counter is Mei atm imo.