Put it in the sexy curvy lady thread?Soooo... dump this to the Weight Loss Thread where it should've gone to begin with?
Phew.I don't have any tattoos nor do I follow the Paleo diet or Crossfit. Try again.
said no one seriously ever.Look at this disgusting paleo meal. You're going to fucking fall over dead eating this garbage Dashel.
That shit will kill you, it's unhealthy. Eat more bagels and cereal.Look at this disgusting paleo meal. You're going to fucking fall over dead eating this garbage Dashel.
And one from today, saying hey maybe 1 egg a day wont kill you... BUT NOT THREE!NYT_sl said:Ideas & Trends: Feeding Frenzy; It's Good. No, It's Bad. No, It's Good. Really. I Think.
Published: March 22, 1998
THERE'S an old saw about the weather that might apply just as well to new information about healthy living: If you don't like it, wait a minute.
Advice to the public about what to eat, what medicines to take and, basically, how to live, seems to do an about-face every time a new study is published in a medical journal.
FEN-PHEN: Finally, a prescription drug combination that really seemed to help people lose weight -- and it turns out to be damaging to the heart.
OLESTRA: This highly touted fat substitute, promising tasty potato chips with no fat and few calories, could be a deal with the devil, because it leaches important nutrients out of the body (even in people who don't get diarrhea from eating it).
MARGARINE: Margarine has long been thought to contain a safer type of fat than butter, but it turns out to be just as bad for arteries.
This is what following nutrition is like. It's a series of idiotic contradiction and guessing.NYT_sl said:The review suggests that for most people, eating one egg a day is not bad for the heart.
A co-author of the study, Dr. Frank B. Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard, said that eating two or three or more eggs a day might be harmful, in theory, although there are no data on that.
I must have been doing paleo wrong since i have removed potatoes from my diet.potatoes and other tubers are staples of the paleo diet. the sweet potato is one of the most nutritious foods on earth.
one of my favorite meals is garlic roasted lamb and a sweet potato with two over easy eggs on top
potatoes and other tubers are staples of the paleo diet. the sweet potato is one of the most nutritious foods on earth.
one of my favorite meals is garlic roasted lamb and a sweet potato with two over easy eggs on top
Cavemen didn't have access to tomatoes or broccoli, try again!Look at this disgusting paleo meal. You're going to fucking fall over dead eating this garbage Dashel.
I read the OP and he never insinuated that. You're the onse attributing this strangely dogmatic and pseudo religious fervor to the plan he posted.Cavemen didn't have access to tomatoes or broccoli, try again!
Nor the pepper. And I suspect salt might have been in short supply too. Gotta go 100% authentic, bro.
"blood cholesterol" - WOW, spoken like a true "biochemist/lipid researcher." Hint, I'm not even arguing about eggs and their effects on serum lipid profiles. Man, you arefucking clueless. Sorry, but your failure of terminology there has forever invalidated every criticism and comment youevermake regarding anything diet or health related in the future. You're a fucking retard. Haha, man, I have never seen anybody continuously toss themselves under the bus and expose themselves as a moron as much as you. Do not even bother replying. You may as well make a new username and post as that. Bwhahahah!eggs don't raise blood cholesterol and are pretty fucking good for you