Palworld (Pokemon with Guns and Bukkake, minus the Bukkake)


Mr. Poopybutthole
What's not to like?
The fact that it's EA and there's nothing to it yet beyond the highly unpolished core gameplay loop?

Don't get me wrong I think the final product is likely to be exceptional, it's just very rough atm.


Potato del Grande
Why does everyone keep saying it's pokemon with guns instead of Ark with pokemon? Or did they start making pokemon games in this style at some point (possible since I haven't played anything pokemon in a long time)?
  • 1Galaxy Brain
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Quick vid i put together.

I spent some time breeding a diverse team with great traits, but after experiencing the leveling process of grinding through alpha pals, i just reverted to using the legendaries that show up to the party at max level

The missile attack that jetragon has is so powerful that you could pretty much catch a handful of them and curbstomp basically any other team, as shown by the relaxasaurus vid above.
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Trump's Staff
Why does everyone keep saying it's pokemon with guns instead of Ark with pokemon? Or did they start making pokemon games in this style at some point (possible since I haven't played anything pokemon in a long time)?

Hmm 16 million sale niche reference vs 480 million sold franchise even your mom would recognize... 5 seconds of critical thought, man.
  • 1Truth!
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<Gold Donor>
Why does everyone keep saying it's pokemon with guns instead of Ark with pokemon? Or did they start making pokemon games in this style at some point (possible since I haven't played anything pokemon in a long time)?

Who the fuck played Ark?
  • 1Worf
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Log Wizard
Ark and Rust are like different sides of the long-term Survival genre. Still a ton of people playing both and constant content added. I never played either one unfortunately, but people who are really go-hards in survival games live and breathe one or both of those games.

Every survival game is either "____ Rust" or "_____ Ark" at this point when the hardcore survival people talk about them.


<Gold Donor>
Soooo, for you guys that are breeding like crazy, how are managing the cake? It’s expensive.


Vyemm Raider
2 ranches at 1 of my bases, 1 ranch at another base, each ranch can support 4 pals -

2 beegarde
4 mozz's
4 chikipi
1 more of whichever you're gated by
1 sibelyx for HQ cloth

the base with 1 ranch is my primary farm -
4 plots of berries, 4 plots of wheat

2 jormun to water, Verdash/Lyleens to plant & harvest them, 2x blazamut for cooking because he'll work ore when there's nothing to cook

That base has ore for the rest of the pals to keep occupied with, the final base is ore+coal and all my production.

I'm pretty much done with the game for now: paldeck complete, all bosses down, multiples of all legendary pals captured, map completely explored and all journal entries collected. 98.1 hours. Will check back if they make significant updates.
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Vyemm Raider
Cake is pretty easy once you get it set up. It's 100% self sustaining once you cap the right pals. A couple berry and wheat farms which you should probably have anyway. A couple cows, chickens, and beegard things in a ranch give everything else. Make flour a couple hundred at a time when you remember. Cake stored in the breeding farm doesn't spoil. If you have your egg time to zero or have dozens of incubators you won't keep up but otherwise it's not too bad. Helps to have a good kindler and the electric stove and flame cauldron.
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Log Wizard
Remember for cake making:

PERKS on Mozzarinas/Chikipi's DO NOT MATTER for egg/milk production. Only the Pal Rating (1-4 from combining same-pals) increases their yield rate. So if you want more milk/eggs just blue ball like 70 chickens and cows, mashem into a super cow/chicken and let 'em rip. Work speed doesn't effect their production.
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<Silver Donator>
I sputtered out around level 25. It's fun and all, I just don't feel much of a draw towards an endgame. I need a daedric helm of a glowing dagger or something.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Soooo, for you guys that are breeding like crazy, how are managing the cake? It’s expensive.
Like others said it's feasible as you breed better pals. I didn't sweat too hard over it but I had something like 3 berry farms, 5 wheat farms, 3 cows, 3 chickens, 1 beegarde. Then enough of the high-tier Pals to run it all.

What I'd do differently if I did it again is optimize breeding for the cake chain first, I focused on breeding combat Pals and a factory to produce spheres in, and ramped up my cake production along the way.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I literally just have 1 lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 berry, and 1 wheat, with a bee, cow, and chicken, and it's enough to make salads for all my pals and make enough cake that it'll cook before every breed.

I supposed if I started running multiple breeding pens I might need more, but as of now I have plenty.
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Vyemm Raider
It will be interesting to see where things end up, but for the first weeks of early access you have to remember that pal spheres were performing below expectation while breeding was/is especially useful without any significant downsides. If the game evolves where pal xp is tougher and pal level/alpha becomes the most important stat than maybe the balance switches back to capturing high level dungeon alphas or stuff like that rather than breeding ideal traits on a lvl 1 egg.

There's no wrong way to play, but as it currently stands the easiest path to anubis and other top tier pals is far and away through breeding. It would probably be a net negative but something as simple as requiring a capture of a pal prior to unlocking it as an breeding outcome would tip the scales towards exploration and combat rather than economy focused. Maybe too late for that kind of change though.


Vyemm Raider
I feel like the very beginning of early access probably isn't "too late" for anything.
I agree, it shouldn't be, but despite the early access banner every time you log on the playability of this game really does feel like a 1.0 version. And lets be honest, how many current players are going to come back at real 1.0 release vs just playing the next pokeman/ark/rust early access that evolves the genre.

Early access is just semantics anyway. Something the studios learned from the failed launches of the last decade. If Cyberpunk or FO76 had just called themselves "early access" and done everything else exactly the same people would probably have been much more forgiving. Any game that has a "roadmap" or planned feature releases is "early access" relative to the end state.
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