Eventually they would run of ideas and food then Die.
So focused you've yet to produce anything of any value. A one minute video completely devoid of any charisma or intelligence, some stupid pirate bullshit that you're excited when a dozen people watch, and some creepy stalker video. Truly an output of unprecedented proportions. You've done nothing. There's millions of people with Asperger's who also do nothing of great importance so your whole attempt to identify with its successful people is about as dumb as anything else you say.I have spectrum disorder or Asperger's syndrome along with Tom Hanks and Elon Musk. I am very high functioning. IQ of 142. The board would have been dead a long time ago, I believe the great people in society were all Asperger's. If everyone thought the same nothing would ever get done. Asperger people are characteristically focused. Eventually they would run of ideas and food then Die. We need people to challenge the current way of thinking to innovate new ideas.
I have spectrum disorder or Asperger's syndrome along with Tom Hanks and Elon Musk. I am very high functioning. IQ of 142. The board would have been dead a long time ago, I believe the great people in society were all Asperger's. If everyone thought the same nothing would ever get done. Asperger people are characteristically focused. Eventually they would run of ideas and food then Die. We need people to challenge the current way of thinking to innovate new ideas.
SecondIf you post your mensa membership I will immediately stop all flaming and sub all your channels.
I have spectrum disorder or Asperger's syndrome along with Tom Hanks and Elon Musk. I am very high functioning. IQ of 142. The board would have been dead a long time ago, I believe the great people in society were all Asperger's. If everyone thought the same nothing would ever get done. Asperger people are characteristically focused. Eventually they would run of ideas and food then Die. We need people to challenge the current way of thinking to innovate new ideas.
Birds of a feather flock together. I can be normal but why? I am not a sheep. People curse at cops doctors lawyers and teachers until they need a good one,
I just happen to sit at the top just below Elon and Einstein.
I'm going to give you lots of leeway here, but I'm also not going to tell you if what you're doing will get you shawed. Since I can't tell if this is even english.@lightingLord I have a question is it possible to copy a copy of the original set up for this page set me up. I want to start a pNTHEON WEBPAGE. eNJOIIN STOPPED SUPPORTING ITS WEBPAGES. SO I GOT SCREWED.
WP is not the answer for us old-timers.
Don’t tell him about chrome developer tools.I'm going to give you lots of leeway here, but I'm also not going to tell you if what you're doing will get you shawed. Since I can't tell if this is even english.
So, since you're leaving this post to me up in the air, so will your fate be up in the air!
Fun for all ages and number of feet.
It's Xenforo. It's openly available and can be easily set up. What a brilliant Asperger's genius you turned out to be.Enjin had a nice website you could develop with a script doctor but it was solid enough that you didn't need a script code. Enjin disassembled its webpage services two years ago. I was paying $30 a month. I decided to not do another webpage and I hate WP. Gamers for Pantheon would almost move to the PHP site because it is old school look. You have some pretty neat tools on the webpage. I was just curious. No disrespect here. The Crossroads of Terminus was a nice-looking site. I helped develop with my limited knowledge.