Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
I know there are a lot of people who want me to fail to do the "You Know." I have already been told that I am not allowed to post on their forums anymore but I still have access to their game. Asmon can set them on fire on his podcast and then they would turn around and do a sit down with them. Nothing stops me from ripping into their game live. They were afraid that I would make an unfounded accusation against them. I promised them I would give them a fair shake and a very small leash. I care a lot about Pantheon because of Brad. There are so many games out there to cover. Plenty of content.

Fair warning there will be no fancy graphics in the beginning. Just me telling old stories while I play. Believe it or not, it helps my Asperger's syndrome. I am looking for exposure. I just ask everyone to be respectful.
It's not that people want you to fail, is that people want you to follow through with literally anything, also what asmon does is not a podcast, further proof that you have no idea what a podcast is
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
It's not that people want you to fail, is that people want you to follow through with literally anything, also What Asmon does is not a podcast, which further proof that you have no idea what a podcast is
Mmo and podcasts are loose-term words. Both are not easily identified. Stupid is what stupid does. If you do stupid things then you are "You Know." Society is quick to put labels on things it's human nature.

Aspbergers is not about intelligence, it is really about being socially awkward like most gamers in this forum.
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<Gold Donor>
Here's a question for you based on your comment. What is better to have more intelligence or wisdom?
We’re all pantheon posters here, it’s safe to assume we all passed on both.
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Potato del Grande
I know there are a lot of people who want me to fail to do the "You Know." I have already been told that I am not allowed to post on their forums anymore but I still have access to their game. Asmon can set them on fire on his podcast and then they would turn around and do a sit down with them. Nothing stops me from ripping into their game live. They were afraid that I would make an unfounded accusation against them. I promised them I would give them a fair shake and a very small leash. I care a lot about Pantheon because of Brad. There are so many games out there to cover. Plenty of content.

Fair warning there will be no fancy graphics in the beginning. Just me telling old stories while I play. Believe it or not, it helps my Asperger's syndrome. I am looking for exposure. I just ask everyone to be respectful.

A lot of people are gifted with a problem-solving mind. Don't write well.

I have one thing that has been irking me about the November access free pass. They let go of their raid creator and QA lead tester a few months ago. Soon does that mean raids not done or the raids are done? We will see. Six zones. 12 classes. I don't see it. Maybe concept art but not playable. Let's hope so.

Sacred was one of the releases. He was Vanguard's number-one raid leader.
You are absolutely nobody, they don't know who you are.

They are not banning you and ignoring because you are some kind of infamous critic who will reveal their financial misdeeds.

They are doing it because you are throwing out of context walls of text at people and name dropping in a creepy way. It's too much effort to bother with, they'll barely be reading your messages.

I'm not saying this with any ego here, online I am also a total nobody. Most here are though we do have a few devs. Difference is I have an IRL career and family lol.

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
The Pantheon community doesn't know me as Soxx they know me as Bart. Champions who paid interest on the package are now ViPs during the promotion and beyond.
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Potato del Grande
The Pantheon community doesn't know me as Soxx they know me as Bart. Champions who paid interest on the package are now ViPs during the promotion and beyond.
Doesn't that prove my point? You are getting banned no matter what name because of how you act.

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
Let me ask you-Chris, Asmon, and Narc have been very brutal in their criticism of Pantheon. Asmon claimed the game looks something like it was made in 2007. When did wow come out? You know the game he plays all the time. He holds a lot of power to make and break games. Almost all of his criticisms on Pantheon and WOW were true at the time. I don't think I ever told anybody this story, after Brad died, Liz emailed me asking me how he died. I told her about natural causes. I had just started to pledge to Pantheon during this time and I was working on the website. I sent a Fb message to Brasse who was a friend at SOE now working for VR. She took it the wrong way. I am not a simp for Liz. I am a gamer first. You know they went to her asking questions about me from the P+ community. Minus slipped up on the stream and mentioned something about Brasse kicking someone from the community. He never used my name. His comments started the war. Minus wanted to go and work for VR. Liz used Jack Thompson to sue SOE and they want the suit gone. Jack was all over the media during this time with the Bully case. I heard there were two NDA. I don't care. Liz went on to sue the case management in her town. She claimed that video games were the devil. I am sure there were other factors in the case. I am saddened by the loss of her son. We lost a fellow gamer. We lost Brad on almost the same day as Shawn 18 years later. In the end, Liz just released a book and went on to go on Dr. Phil and Oprah. I made the mistake of getting involved between two thorns in the first place. Brasse, Minus, and Kilsin are gone now and never coming back. I never had an issue with Joppa and his passion for the game. Onward and upward.
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Potato del Grande
Let me ask you-Chris, Asmon, and Narc have been very brutal in their criticism of Pantheon. Asmon claimed the game looks something like it was made in 2007. When did wow come out? You know the game he plays all the time. He holds a lot of power to make and break games. Almost all of his criticisms on Pantheon and WOW were true at the time.
You are wondering why you are treated differently to Asmongold?

Are you acting the same way as Asmongold?

Asmongold will react to a Pantheon critisism when another YouTubers covers it, usually once a year after some news about the game? He isn't posting about it constantly.

I don't think I ever told anybody this story, after Brad died, Liz emailed me asking me how he died. I told her about natural causes. I had just started to pledge to Pantheon during this time and I was working on the website. I sent a Fb message to Brasse who was a friend at SOE now working for VR. She took it the wrong way. I am not a simp for Liz. I am a gamer first. You know they went to her asking questions about me from the P+ community. Minus slipped up on the stream and mentioned something about it. He never used my name. His comments started the war. Liz used Jack Thompson to sue SOE and they want the suit gone. Jack was all over the media during this time with the Bully case. I heard there were two NDA. I don't care. Liz went on to sue the case management in her town. She claimed that video games were the devil. I am sure there were other factors in the case. I am saddened by the loss of her son. We lost a fellow gamer. In the end, Liz just released a book and went on to go on Dr. Phil and Oprah. I made the mistake of getting involved between two thorns in the first place.
This is why. What the fuck is this story? Other than Brad, who are these people?

It's a really stalkerish stream of consiousness rant. And yes, you've told it many times.

Stop posting this shit all of the time if you want to be taken seriously.
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
I am not a sheep and believe in honesty. Narc brings it up all the time as a joke. Both of these clowns claim to be autistic as a shield. I know it gets to Joppa. His hair is greying fast from all of the stress. He reads all the comments. My position is that why would you kick someone out of your community who was spending their own money and making good content for your game? I wasn't trying to get paid, I didn't want a job but I felt like I owed to Brad for saving my life. A story I will never publicly discuss.

Remember you were supposed to interview me? and now you are bitching me out for talking about my life. Bro which is it?

Do you want a pilot flying a plane who is blind? Remember you can't discriminate against people who have a handicap here in the USA. You know sometimes things just get a pass in life.

You know Pantheon needs a rivalry between content creators to get people talking. I would love to play the heel.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Let me ask you-Chris, Asmon, and Narc have been very brutal in their criticism of Pantheon. Asmon claimed the game looks something like it was made in 2007. When did wow come out? You know the game he plays all the time. He holds a lot of power to make and break games. Almost all of his criticisms on Pantheon and WOW were true at the time. I don't think I ever told anybody this story, after Brad died, Liz emailed me asking me how he died. I told her about natural causes. I had just started to pledge to Pantheon during this time and I was working on the website. I sent a Fb message to Brasse who was a friend at SOE now working for VR. She took it the wrong way. I am not a simp for Liz. I am a gamer first. You know they went to her asking questions about me from the P+ community. Minus slipped up on the stream and mentioned something about Brasse kicking someone from the community. He never used my name. His comments started the war. Minus wanted to go and work for VR. Liz used Jack Thompson to sue SOE and they want the suit gone. Jack was all over the media during this time with the Bully case. I heard there were two NDA. I don't care. Liz went on to sue the case management in her town. She claimed that video games were the devil. I am sure there were other factors in the case. I am saddened by the loss of her son. We lost a fellow gamer. We lost Brad on almost the same day as Shawn 18 years later. In the end, Liz just released a book and went on to go on Dr. Phil and Oprah. I made the mistake of getting involved between two thorns in the first place. Brasse, Minus, and Kilsin are gone now and never coming back. I never had an issue with Joppa and his passion for the game. Onward and upward.

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
I was made VIP this morning. Champions take advantage of the sale this month and upgrade for free based on your pledge money they are giving you credit for the interest on the pledge amount which qualifies you to upgrade to the VIP package at no additional cost. Save $150

2300 comments is not a lot for two years. So don't call me a post whore.
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