Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Avatar of War Slayer

Pantheon worthy
  • 1Worf
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Trump's Staff
Let me ask you-Chris, Asmon, and Narc have been very brutal in their criticism of Pantheon. Asmon claimed the game looks something like it was made in 2007. When did wow come out? You know the game he plays all the time. He holds a lot of power to make and break games. Almost all of his criticisms on Pantheon and WOW were true at the time. I don't think I ever told anybody this story, after Brad died, Liz emailed me asking me how he died. I told her about natural causes. I had just started to pledge to Pantheon during this time and I was working on the website. I sent a Fb message to Brasse who was a friend at SOE now working for VR. She took it the wrong way. I am not a simp for Liz. I am a gamer first. You know they went to her asking questions about me from the P+ community. Minus slipped up on the stream and mentioned something about Brasse kicking someone from the community. He never used my name. His comments started the war. Minus wanted to go and work for VR. Liz used Jack Thompson to sue SOE and they want the suit gone. Jack was all over the media during this time with the Bully case. I heard there were two NDA. I don't care. Liz went on to sue the case management in her town. She claimed that video games were the devil. I am sure there were other factors in the case. I am saddened by the loss of her son. We lost a fellow gamer. We lost Brad on almost the same day as Shawn 18 years later. In the end, Liz just released a book and went on to go on Dr. Phil and Oprah. I made the mistake of getting involved between two thorns in the first place. Brasse, Minus, and Kilsin are gone now and never coming back. I never had an issue with Joppa and his passion for the game. Onward and upward.

this guy needs a psychiatric hospital
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  • 1Solidarity
  • 1Worf
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<Silver Donator>
It was the mods sending you to the swamp or site approved swamp trips from Forumquest, you dickless faggot. There would be no point in trying to complain.

Your little statement may not be enough to warrant any action but even the small possibility of derailing your attention seeking behavior is something.
Leave my toys alone

The mods don't want to admit this fact but i put fans in the stands.
100% agree. I only come to this thread for you.
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  • 1Worf
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Avatar of War Slayer
Guys are you all playing pantheonz?

You get 5 months for free if you go to search for soxxcastoverpoweredrigvote then click the 5th link, in the 3rd paragraph you get the page number, open your Kings Quest IV instruction mannual and the code will be the 4th paragraph and 5th paragraphs 2nd sentance first 5 letters.

Why are you all not using this simple free code to get playing pantheonbros with me? kick some charcoal
  • 2Worf
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Guys are you all playing pantheonz?

You get 5 months for free if you go to search for soxxcastoverpoweredrigvote then click the 5th link, in the 3rd paragraph you get the page number, open your Kings Quest IV instruction mannual and the code will be the 4th paragraph and 5th paragraphs 2nd sentance first 5 letters.

Why are you all not using this simple free code to get playing pantheonbros with me? kick some charcoal

You spelled the word "sentence" incorrectly. That's why. We don't associate with illiterate people.
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
I see we have a few granner nazis now in the forum to go along with the furor. How fitting.
  • 1Moron
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<Silver Donator>
The fuck we don’t, half us couldn’t type a typoless post if our loved ones’ lives depended on it.

Man Slips And Falls Backwards On Front Steps GIF by ViralHog
Looks like he was able to arrest his fall. I'm glad he probably didn't break anything. That's about as safe as a landing as one could imagine falling off / sliding down some ships stairs.
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