Eats my Mac’s ram for breakfast- but that’s most likely crossover - and that i am running windowed and going back and forth doing work.
I may turn down the visuals to low, see if it helps- or if it’s just sucking up whatever is available. And, again, old man clouds etc- i like grass but… can I turn that off lol
Game seems unoptimized in some places, over the others. Like when Im CLOSING the game - like at the server select screen that lets you quit? My 4090 takes off like a fucking rocket ship on that screen.. I havent looked at my FPS through nVidia to see if its doing like 300-400 FPS or something wonky like New World did. But its definitely something questionable.
I mean the game is in early access. So this stuff is understandable that its not optimized, or just poorly thought out/executed in its current form and needs to be revisited.
Like a bunch of the lower level items have 1 con, which thats such a low value that you cant perceive any real benefit from it. One of the guys I know has a bunch of the "Lost Lotus" stuff from Halnirs. The legs have NINE constitution on them. After working out the math for a MONK, the conversion for him was
1 con equals 0.55 armor. I pooled up con on my Warrior, and yea.. that ratio "seems" correct. Con also helps crowd control resilience, but that stat or skill isnt listed. So how much value does that actually have, I have no idea. If I have to choose between, say, 5 HP and some "theoretical" value of crowd control.. Im going to go with the 5HP. Reminds me of Agility from EverQuest - just a bastardized version of a stat.
Or we can go one step further, and Arrows - whether the arrow is 2 damage, 4 damage, or 6 damage - does not actually impact the value of the damage you actually do to a mob. So might as well use the cheapest arrows you can. Something is off with Bows, as well? Like.. their stats dont seem to register, just the bows base damage and delay I guess.
Then Monks feign death, which.. if I read what was dubbed from Joppa correctly...? That they were having a hard time getting the Feign Death effect to have a "worn off" effect? So they just nerfed the ability altogether?
Just saying, a lot of stuff needs work. Games still wonderfully playable, though.