I gotta be honest, I understand the argument for not wanting a minimap and GPS but... there are certain conveniences I don't want to be without ever again in my actual everyday life and if simple conveniences like GPS are gone from a game and I have to fumble and flounder with land marks to find my around I'm probably going to just get frustrated.
If you want slow, dangerous travel and also have it be completely unaided by a minimap or GPS grouping is going to be hell on earth.
"Ok, you guys know how to get to this stupid new water zone?"
"Sorry, first time, no idea how to get there"
"Alright where are you now? Kaladarp? Shit, OK I'll try to walk you through it. First follow the wall to your east"
"Which way is east?"
"Use your true north spell, face north, then turn right, ok now follow that wall til you hit the crimson plateau, follow the road til you get to the whispering tree and make a left. Zone into Gorky Park but watch out for the winds of change. If you hear a "wooosh" just fucking run, super high level air elementals are after you. Actually make sure you bind at the whispering tree"
"Hold on a second, how do I take a screenshot? I don't want to write all this down"
"Sigh, OK I'll come get you *45 minutes later* Whew we made it! Let's Pull"
*20 minutes later* "Gotta leave for work in about 15 minutes, how do we get out of here?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Sorry, didn't think it would take an hour and a half for the group to form, but I have a replacement. Thanks guys, ttyl!"
*Spiritfondler has joined the party*
"Sup guys? So how do I get there, first time for me"
You're right, there needs to be a compromise but I don't think a plain old map with no visual representation of where you currently are is it.