I agree 100%. But thats what I hope this game could be. If a hardcore D&D nerd makes a game for other hardcore D&D nerds, maybe they will all come back out the woodwork? They might all be older now and married and kids or whatever, but that's fine, all the middle aged people I know are bored and live very structured lives, work 9-5 and get home eat, and then just vegetate all evening - a time that could be spent getting their game on.I think the primary problem is that you were playing Vanguard. That game is just not good. No trolling, it's just not good. Bloodmage and OT/DT were the good things about vanguard. That's the complete list.
The problem is also the playerbase. You don't have the hardcore online D&D nerds like you used to. They're still there, but the genre no longer has them. They've moved to console FPS, not Elfses and Swerds.
That dumb shit you describe happens in every MMO. But the really important thing is that if you throw a hard encounter at a group of those people they can't compete and they quit, even when it's fun to lose. EQ sadistically punished bad players, WoW realized that casual money spends just as well as uberduber, and no one has really had much of an idea of what to do since. Besides EVE. If only eve weren't such a boring game!
So I guess what I want is a fun version of EVE. Skin it however you want. Fantasy, Sci-fi, Steampunk, Pseudo-modern adderal deranged Day-Trader game. The skin is less important than the internal integrity.
But the entire genre now is console button bashing derp. But again, that's good. Because it means if ONE good hardcore nerdy style mmo comes along, it will have no real competition. EQ is long dead, Vanguard got butchered in to something lame and was never that great to begin with, so there is really nothing for that type of gamer to play. Maybe they have all moved on. But someone has to take one for the team and make a game for that audience. It might end up peaking at 100,000 people and thats all thats left. But you never know. The 550,000 in EQ's peak, they might still be hanging around waiting - like I am and many in this thread are the same I think. And maybe if just 2% of the 14 million that was in WoW's peak are now in their 20's and want to try something hardcore for a change. This game could be the one little niche option for people.
Thats the weird thing about this whole situation. A niche by definition might be a minority, but theres not even ONE game that tries to satisfy that niche (except maybe Eve but thats a bit different). For all SOE's history, they clearly dont care about that niche. Nobody does. So if one company gave it a shot, it could be quite popular seeing as its the only one.