Of course he won't make the game first person... every game today has to be full of OPTIONS FOR PLAYERS! I want 1st OR 3rd person! I want to be a healer OR a tank! I want to go to Subway and get pineapple and dill pickles on my meatball sub because that's how I WANT IT. Why not? Choice = fun, right?
No. I want to play within constraints. Constraints that make sense, are well thought out, and their very existence enhances whatever it is you are trying to make me feel. These games are what we gamers call, 'classics'.
If we see a game with a cohesive vision, that doesn't compromise on gameplay mechanics to satisfy the masses any time soon, it'll be a miracle.
I'm sick of eating sandwiches that aren't as good as they should be because I was allowed to assemble it myself. I want an artist's* vision on my plate.
*sandwich artist