Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Potato del Grande
Hehe. And he's got his priorities right this time.

Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. less than a minute ago

Rastin: it's already a full time job for most of the team, even tho they are not being paid. the money will help the team pay bills and hopefully soon get an office so we aren't working from home and my garage.
Awesome. So they basically admit any KS funds would have gone to helping the team pay bills, which would of course been prohibited by KS rules. According to fantards, I was a troll for questioning this sort of thing and trying to bring down the project. But if they're not even smart enough to know the rules so they can skirt them effectively, or at least see trolls making accusations and then not support their accusations days later with clumsy admissions of guilt, then you can't really blame trolls for being negative, only them for being dumb.

And of course they're getting an office. That was never in question. Professionals of this caliber deserve a professional space!

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Brad or no Brad. If ya going to post on a KS to get money for a Grand project in your mind. At the least take some time to bring your A game.

Would you fund this video short in the hopes you will get a great movie?
No you wouldn't and for the obvious reasons.

But, honestly. If he really wants to get off the ground. Stop for the love of Horus putzing around with forums and the KS mourning show and grind out something good to show the world. Great animation, modeling and technical direction in some evidence of a demo in good game play will pull in the funders. Let the KS fade, come back in a year with something. Not some 2d art and last years college grad's 3d animation demo reel.

Video of remembrance:

At this point he is just resting on his laurels, feel like I am watching another tv show with guest appearance Danny Bonaduce in it and noone in existence remembering where he came from.



King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I agree with Izo and a few others. As fun as this is, this thing is dead and needs rickshawed.


I like that your Dorkraki class isn't sporting oversized shouldpads. An essential first step towards a great game and one step closer to me pulling out the wallet.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I disagree this is dead. Calling for rickshaw is premature. Give it more time. As of right now, this game is still in development.


Potato del Grande
Which specific KS rule prohibits paying people for project related work, so they can pay their personal bills?
Fund my life shit.

You can help an established band with costs associated with recording an album, for instance, but you can't help a bunch of out of work, washed up musicians 'get the band back together' so they can start practicing and buying equipment in the hopes that some day they can produce a record.

Ah, but they aren't getting some band back together, they're trying to start a game studio. Also against the rules.

Granted, the KS rules are generally very vague and unenforceable. Which makes it all the easier to dupe people and make it all seem on the up and up and not constantly make yourself look like either an ignorant idiot or person intentionally flaunting the fact they're flirting with breaking rules on a site they thought was important enough to say they were going to back-pay people for the work they did on the KS they were hoping to back-pay people with when it funded.

The point being, someone even remotely competent says to the team 'guys, starting a business or 'fund my life' type of things are prohibited, and they specifically prohibit things like 'paying the bills' so don't even come close to saying anything like that' but shrug.


I disagree this is dead. Calling for rickshaw is premature. Give it more time. As of right now, this game is still in development.
Writing 5th grade level fantasy stories on napkins at the closest Waffle House doesn't really constitute as in development imo.

Oddly enough nobody has even mentioned just how fucking bad the lore on that kickstarter was.


Potato del Grande
I disagree this is dead. Calling for rickshaw is premature. Give it more time. As of right now, this game is still in development.
The 38 Studios thread isn't shawed, and shouldn't be, like this shouldn't. I'm sure there's much more drama and laughs to come. Especially when people start trying to skirt that line between fanboy and not-a-fucking-moron-that-will-be-ridiculed.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It won't hurt to leave this open. We need a place for the Rerolled spies to report back their findings on the Chumpion forums.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The 38 Studios thread isn't shawed, and shouldn't be, like this shouldn't. I'm sure there's much more drama and laughs to come. Especially when people start trying to skirt that line between fanboy and not-a-fucking-moron-that-will-be-ridiculed.
You're not going champion with me!?


Potato del Grande
just because the KS failed it failed for many reasons

1.KS got hacked...

2.There was an active campaign by people from sites like rerolled to nix the kickstarter.

3. Many are dissing Brad over the Vanguard game over things that were for the most part not his fault.

In the end it jsut means they need another form of funding... it means jack. They had 8% highest pledges of any game ever on kickstarter... that says something...
I'd like to extend a formal request for Dayna Gilbert, aka Nirrtix, to start posting on these forums. Shit is hilare!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
All this Rerolled sabotaged us shit is confusing. Wasn't it rerolled members that were working tirelessly to get the word out and giving Brad suggestions on other venues to advertise the Kickstarter? He basically had a PR firm working for him for free.


Musty Nester
Writing 5th grade level fantasy stories on napkins at the closest Waffle House doesn't really constitute as in development imo.

Oddly enough nobody has even mentioned just how fucking bad the lore on that kickstarter was.
None of us expect it to be good.

Especially not when he starts throwing Salvatore's name around.


Elisha Dushku
I disagree this is dead. Calling for rickshaw is premature. Give it more time. As of right now, this game is still in development.
It's dead, and even if it weren't I lost interest with the talent trees, Dark Knight and Suddenly Shaman Dwarves.

This is not the game we were looking for, the game we are looking for will be made by a brash Austin based team looking to mine gold from retro gaming. Or something like that.


It's dead, and even if it weren't I lost interest with the talent trees, Dark Knight and Suddenly Shaman Dwarves.

This is not the game we were looking for, the game we are looking for will be made by a brash Austin based team looking to mine gold from retro gaming. Or something like that.
Whether or not a game is what you are looking for has everything to do with what the main vehicle for leveling is and nothing to do with talent trees or race class combos. Don't bother disagreeing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
All this Rerolled sabotaged us shit is confusing. Wasn't it rerolled members that were working tirelessly to get the word out and giving Brad suggestions on other venues to advertise the Kickstarter? He basically had a PR firm working for him for free.
Pretty much. But of the people pushing Pantheon we were the first to see he was not prepared and since then have been shitting on the entire project.