Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Lost Ranger_sl

Ask him when he played it.

Also, Flight's post consists of a disgruntled ex-coworker expose. I never take those seriously, and neither should you. The dikumud source code stuff is even more ridiculous now than it was then.
This one as well...

I'll make a couple of points then I'm going to leave it. I don't want to get into debates about it.

1. The entire game system of Everquest is a rip off of Sojourn. The classes. The races. The max level. The 'hidden' quest system with no clues. The absolute requirement to be a party to do anything at all and to form 'raids' for major bosses. Harsh XP penalties for death and leaving all your items on your corpse. Individual items by name. Getting second names at level 20. Druids porting groups around. Pretty much everything in the game - I could go on and on listing identical copies of systems and they were radically different, collectively and individually, to anything else around at the time (we're talking early to mid 90s).

/w in Sojourn :

>who sort

Listing of the Mortals!
[50 Ill] Ellese (Drow Elf)
[50 Rog] Immiralee (Drow Elf)
[50 Cle] Rressor (Yuan-Ti)
[50 War] Warraz (Troll) (RP)
[50 Enc] Atesete (Drow Elf)
[47 Dru] Zouve (Half-Elf)...
You said, "It wouldn't take much to do the argument justice. Someone who played both early EQ and Sojourn could easily post an analysis of similarities between the two products". Sounds like Flight did just that. Or is your problem with this that it isn't in depth enough? Two people who did both have commented on how they are pretty much identical. Do you personally have any experience with this to say otherwise or are you just in white knight mode atm?


Trump's Staff
This one as well...

You said, "It wouldn't take much to do the argument justice. Someone who played both early EQ and Sojourn could easily post an analysis of similarities between the two products". Sounds like Flight did just that. Or is your problem with this that it isn't in depth enough? Two people who did both have commented on how they are pretty much identical. Do you personally have any experience with this to say otherwise or are you just in white knight mode atm?
Actually, that's my bad... Somehow I just missed all of page 6. My browser's 'go to first unread post' must have borked...


<Gold Donor>
But who gives a shit really? So what he stole the DIKU mechanics? He progressed the genre from 2D text based muds into a living breathing 3D world. Merging 2 genres together. The FPS and MUDs. WoW stole some of that shit as well. And probably others too.

You guys jut make this shit into, yeah he stole some shit and really didn't do anything. Really? I would have to disagree. If it was so easy why didnt Sojurn themselves come out with a 3D mud?


2 Minutes Hate
Well that would require people do some actual research before they post. As of now, this whole exchange reminds me of a fucking tabloid.

It wouldn't take much to do the argument justice. Someone who played both early EQ and Sojourn could easily post an analysis of similarities between the two products. Until that happens this is all baseless conjecture and shit-slinging.
  • EQ and Sojourn had the same exact classes except some had names changed around Magician:Conjurer, SK:Anti-Paladin
  • Raids where you brought as many people as you wanted.
  • Pulling
  • Basic group mechanics. Tank/Heal/DPS(CC). Tanks did nothing during combat except maybe bash or kick. DPS did nothing both toss a skill every once in a while. Healers rotated "heal" and "full heal"
  • Druids and Sorcerer's ported. Clerics Rezzed. Necros could solo
  • You got hungry, You go thirsty.
  • Combat messages.
  • Memming spells, casting spells.

There's more I guess, but even some of the unique EQ stuff like quad kiting and bards/enchanters were essentially accidents or could never of been done in a MUD just because of Text vs. 3D environment. But all of the underlying game mechanics were straight up copied.

edit: I forgot to add a few things like all of the in game commands were the same like conning mobs, who lists, whispers, (which is all stock DIKU anyway). Also corpse runs, dragging corpses, giving permission to loot.

Lost Ranger_sl

But who gives a shit really? So what he stole the DIKU mechanics? He progressed the genre from 2D text based muds into a living breathing 3D world. Merging 2 genres together. The FPS and MUDs WoW stole some of that shit as well. And probably others too.

You guys jut make this shit into, yeah he stole some shit and really didn't do anything. Really? I would have to disagree. If it was so easy why didnt Sojurn themselves come out with a 3D mud?
No one is saying that Brad's name should be scrubbed from the history books. He obviously deserves credit for helping advance the genre. It is relevant to the topic though because if the guy stole all of EQ's mechanics then he didn't actually design anything that people loved about EQ. Unless EQ's graphics are the thing you loved the most about the game then it matters. He is asking people for money to design a game from the ground up and by all accounts he has never actually done that successfully before.


2 Minutes Hate
Draegan didn't play EQ
I played EQ for quite a bit when it was released, then I stopped play because it was a buggy mess and I more friends and more enjoyable experience in SojournMUD. Then school and working to pay for school pretty much stopped all online gaming until 2004/5ish. I played sporadically the first year or so the game was out.


Trakanon Raider
mkopec_sl said:
You guys jut make this shit into, yeah he stole some shit and really didn't do anything. Really? I would have to disagree. If it was so easy why didnt Sojurn themselves come out with a 3D mud?
I don't think many people are seriously saying he "didn't do anything". But people are questioning how much credit he truly deserves for EQ, given it's basis in well known MUDs. The design for EQ was largely lifted from said MUDs. Brad is a designer, not a technical guy. He didn't do the graphics, network code, or anything else technical. And it was obvious in the first couple years of EQ that Brad didn't "get" a lot of what was going on with his own game.

If Brad is going to trade on his past, then people are going to raise legitimate questions about the only two games on his resume. One, EQ, there's some question as to how responsible he truly was for the underlying design and whether or not he truly understood his own creation. The other, Vanguard, as a textbook case of gross mismanagement on his part, even if the underlying design was good. Given those two, it's not a surprise that most reasonable people look at how fucking atrocious this KS was from the get-go and keep going.


You said, "It wouldn't take much to do the argument justice. Someone who played both early EQ and Sojourn could easily post an analysis of similarities between the two products". Sounds like Flight did just that. Or is your problem with this that it isn't in depth enough? Two people who did both have commented on how they are pretty much identical. Do you personally have any experience with this to say otherwise or are you just in white knight mode atm?
I personally played early Sojourn and I played EQ. Note, for the record I did not really like Sojourn, but I loved EQ. However, as I stated many of the things EQ took from Sojourn were piss poor design problems, which were fixed by the Blizzard guys in WOW. The design took death penalties <common in MUDS>, grouping <common in MUDS>, and a lot of the AD&D class structure and many critters lifted almost verbatim from the Monster Manual. This was not copying from Sojourn.

Sojourn and it's predecessors and offspring are still around. I challenge anyone to go play it and tell me the experience is identical to Everquest.

In regards to what 'good' MMOs are coming out, TESO and Wildstar are the ones I reference although that is completely subjective and my opinion. I like them both, even though I don't see myself playing either for very long.


2 Minutes Hate
I don't think many people are seriously saying he "didn't do anything". But people are questioning how much credit he truly deserves for EQ, given it's basis in well known MUDs. The design for EQ was largely lifted from said MUDs. Brad is a designer, not a technical guy. He didn't do the graphics, network code, or anything else technical. And it was obvious in the first couple years of EQ that Brad didn't "get" a lot of what was going on with his own game.

If Brad is going to trade on his past, then people are going to raise legitimate questions about the only two games on his resume. One, EQ, there's some question as to how responsible he truly was for the underlying design and whether or not he truly understood his own creation. The other, Vanguard, as a textbook case of gross mismanagement on his part, even if the underlying design was good. Given those two, it's not a surprise that most reasonable people look at how fucking atrocious this KS was from the get-go and keep going.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So Brad is a thieving no talent cunt? Doesn't matter that shit happens all the time in the entertainment industry. Next thing you know you guys are going to be telling me Avatar was a rip of a Dances with Wolves but in Space. Brad took a game stole it and placed it in a different medium that never happens, ever, no way. I mean don't get me wrong the guy deserves all the hate he gets and needs to fade away back into obscurity, a long forgotten failure who cries himself to sleep dreaming that one day he would make a good CEO.


5 Insanely Successful Video Games That Were Total Ripoffs |

The fact that he is the Shia LaBeouf of MMO's doesn't surprise me at all.


Lost Ranger_sl

In regards to what 'good' MMOs are coming out, TESO and Wildstar are the ones I reference although that is completely subjective and my opinion. I like them both, even though I don't see myself playing either for very long.
Fair enough.

I don't think many people are seriously saying he "didn't do anything". But people are questioning how much credit he truly deserves for EQ, given it's basis in well known MUDs. The design for EQ was largely lifted from said MUDs. Brad is a designer, not a technical guy. He didn't do the graphics, network code, or anything else technical. And it was obvious in the first couple years of EQ that Brad didn't "get" a lot of what was going on with his own game.

If Brad is going to trade on his past, then people are going to raise legitimate questions about the only two games on his resume. One, EQ, there's some question as to how responsible he truly was for the underlying design and whether or not he truly understood his own creation. The other, Vanguard, as a textbook case of gross mismanagement on his part, even if the underlying design was good. Given those two, it's not a surprise that most reasonable people look at how fucking atrocious this KS was from the get-go and keep going.
Eomer said it better then I could.


It does matter because the whole point of us discussing this is to point out that if you want everquest again brad is not at all necessary or even worthy of support in recreating that.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
But who gives a shit really? So what he stole the DIKU mechanics? He progressed the genre from 2D text based muds into a living breathing 3D world. Merging 2 genres together. The FPS and MUDs. WoW stole some of that shit as well. And probably others too.

You guys jut make this shit into, yeah he stole some shit and really didn't do anything. Really? I would have to disagree. If it was so easy why didnt Sojurn themselves come out with a 3D mud?
That's like saying someone who wrote a book shouldn't be pissed when someone makes it into a movie because they should of just done so themselves. Granted I am playing devils advocate a little because I this kind of shit happens all the time and why larger companies pay out the ass for IP lawyers but to act like it is no big deal and dismiss it is kind of shitty.


Trakanon Raider
Well Sojurn and all the other muds blatantly ripped off DnD, right?
I don't know a damn thing about Sojourn, but sure that's entirely possible that it was a complete or partial rip off. Point me to where Sojourn's creators are asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars to relive their glory days, and all they have to show for it is some shit that they could have whipped up over a weekend coke binge and you might have a fucking point.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
118325$ / 897 backers

Will be interesting to see if this moves sustantially higher in the coming days/weeks. I dont think it will until they show real advances being made on the game.


<Gold Donor>
I don't know a damn thing about Sojourn, but sure that's entirely possible that it was a complete or partial rip off. Point me to where Sojourn's creators are asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars to relive their glory days, and all they have to show for it is some shit that they could have whipped up over a weekend coke binge and you might have a fucking point.
Thats not my point, dude. Im with you on that above point. I just dont agree with the entire ripping off shit and doing nothing part, thats all.