Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
But who gives a shit really? So what he stole the DIKU mechanics? He progressed the genre from 2D text based muds into a living breathing 3D world. Merging 2 genres together. The FPS and MUDs. WoW stole some of that shit as well. And probably others too.

You guys jut make this shit into, yeah he stole some shit and really didn't do anything. Really? I would have to disagree. If it was so easy why didnt Sojurn themselves come out with a 3D mud?
I thought they were arguing about how he, even back then, is doing the same thing now. Minimally little to nothing other than being an acting Exec-producer. Argument that he stole something to make profit is pretty much every company in existence!
Just look at APPLE and Microsoft, both stole from Xerox if I remember right.


<Gold Donor>
Well there always has to be the idea man with the balls to make shit happen. Without those people all we have is wet dreams.

Lost Ranger_sl

Well there always has to be the idea man with the balls to make shit happen. Without those people all we have is wet dreams.
Absolutely. Unfortunately being a idea man doesn't qualify him to make good games. Vanguard being a damn good example of that. Which is at least something to consider when he is standing there with his hand out.


Well Sojurn and all the other muds blatantly ripped off DnD, right?
It's a given almost everything fantasy ripped off AD&D which pretty much derived from traditional norse mythology and a lot of Tolkien. MUDs basically copied and borrow things that work, similar to FPS games today.

I played MUDS for a long time. The thing is Everquest was a huge leap forward. I think Eomer's post was spot on regarding Brad's history, and I personally wouldn't donate to him, but to say EQ was nothing but a Sojourn rip off really ignores how much it advanced MMO gaming.

Everquest was a big deal. Really, no EQ, no WOW as the Blizzard guys never played Sojourn but sure played the heck out of EQ since it was such a big step forward.


<Gold Donor>
Absolutely. Unfortunately being a idea man doesn't qualify him to make good games. Vanguard being a damn good example of that. Which is at least something to consider when he is standing there with his hand out.
I disagree with you on the Vanguard not being a good game part. Vanguard was a good game, it just was not finished and it was broken at release. Try not to look at all the negatives and look at some of the positives the game had.

There has been many games that had great ideas, they just didnt pan out because of technical issues. Like Shadowbane or Anarchy Online, or even Warhammer. But each of them had great things about them that are now not even looked at because, hey they failed.

Look I dont care either way. I donated $45 to the kickstarter and like I said I will not donate to the website until they show more. And probably this shit will all go bust anyway so who gives a shit. I just dont see this dude as some evil being set out to defraud people or whatever. Maybe a little full of himself? Sure. Maybe not owning up to some of the past bullshit? Sure. Maybe not the best business mind? Sure. But I still think hes got some cool ideas and I would still like a game to come out that harkens back to the past a bit.


Completely incompetent when it comes to running the show? sure. Currently running the show? sure. Still giving him money? sure because i am as boot fucked as they come.

It doesn't get any more simple than that.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
How many times did this guy frick your dog? You've been such an angry poster these past few months man.
I'm really not that angry at all about it. I don't get why calling somebody to task suddenly makes you "angry", or full of vitriol. Eomer explained why he should be called into question, so I won't regurgitate that point.

He worked hard for EQand he is owed credit.
Did you not read Flight's post? It's pretty obvious he did not. His absence from Vanguard and this Kickstarter make it all the more obvious. The only "work" the guy seems capable of, is PR spin and getting consumers to buy into his hype. I've even admitted that is the one thing he's done very well - selling people on what an immaculate "vision" he has. You can chalk it all up to "jealousy", but all the information from former employees, industry insiders, etc., paints a very different picture.

He progressed the genre from 2D text based muds into a living breathing 3D world.
Hedid? No,hedid not. He had an idea and road the coattails of the money man(Smed)and theactualtalent(Trost, Clover, etc.).

Thats not my point, dude. Im with you on that above point. I just dont agree with the entire ripping off shit and doing nothing part, thats all.
Nobody is sayingnothingwas done. It's obvious that despite them possibly "ripping off" Sojourn, they still made a fairly large iteration on the game. What's being questioned, however, is how responsibleBradis for the 2D to 3D iteration. From the evidence we have available, it appears that he, in fact, had verylittleto do with it. The only evidence we have to the contrary, isBradsaying he had alotto do with it, and if you still believe him, I have a bridge that you might be interested in..


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I just dont see this dude as some evil being set out to defraud people or whatever. Maybe a little full of himself? Sure. Maybe not owning up to some of the past bullshit? Sure. Maybe not the best business mind? Sure. But I still think hes got some cool ideas and I would still like a game to come out that harkens back to the past a bit.
I don't see how he isn't trying to defraud people. He's an idea guy who's only success is stealing someone else's ideas. He starts up a KS without any real work or planning being done and then lies about it. Multiple times. Halfway through that KS, he then completely abandons it for a pay to truly participate forum. How many of those are out there? His entire success has been riding off the work of more talented people. If that isn't really a fraud, then maybe I just don't know what one is.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Man, if there is one thing Brad did well, it's definitely in taking all the credit and selling you people on thinking that he's some sort of "visionary". Flight laid out everything you need to know about Brad McQuaid. He had an "idea" to port a MUD to a 3D environment, yet people continuously cling to the notion that he has some sort of awe-inspiring design talent/ideas. Seriously?
Not sure if it was implied I had any high opinion of the man - when I say writing content is the ceiling for him I am saying "dont allow him near any relevant decisions or designs". Writing content is pretty low on the totem pole, isnt it? If I'm wrong there and you need it crystal clear: I want a game similar to old EQ. I do not want Brad to have anything to do with it at all.


<Gold Donor>
I don't see how he isn't trying to defraud people. He's an idea guy who's only success is stealing someone else's ideas. He starts up a KS without any real work or planning being done and then lies about it. Multiple times. Halfway through that KS, he then completely abandons it for a pay to truly participate forum. How many of those are out there? His entire success has been riding off the work of more talented people. If that isn't really a fraud, then maybe I just don't know what one is.
So dont contribute? Its quite simple. Im not.


Molten Core Raider
I don't think many people are seriously saying he "didn't do anything". But people are questioning how much credit he truly deserves for EQ, given it's basis in well known MUDs. The design for EQ was largely lifted from said MUDs. Brad is a designer, not a technical guy. He didn't do the graphics, network code, or anything else technical. And it was obvious in the first couple years of EQ that Brad didn't "get" a lot of what was going on with his own game.

If Brad is going to trade on his past, then people are going to raise legitimate questions about the only two games on his resume. One, EQ, there's some question as to how responsible he truly was for the underlying design and whether or not he truly understood his own creation. The other, Vanguard, as a textbook case of gross mismanagement on his part, even if the underlying design was good. Given those two, it's not a surprise that most reasonable people look at how fucking atrocious this KS was from the get-go and keep going.
Well said Eomer.

If anything is remembered from my post in this thread I don't want it to be thinking I've said Brad didn't achieve anything. He was clearly a catalyst in something massive and successful. What I'm saying is the real geniuses behind taking this 2D idea and turning it into 3D EQ1 have never had the recognition they deserve. When did anyone see Brad say, "Hey, I couldn't have done it without Bill (Trost), Rosie (Rappaport), Jay (Barbeau), Steve (Clover)..." These were genuine massive talents who implemented the ideas, gave visuals to Sojourns ideas, designed the zones and made the code work at a time it shouldn't have.

As far as what Sojourn borrowed, yes it did take stuff from other sources, but what was different about Sojourn was what made EQ1 unique - how harsh it was, the need for guilds and social structures because you couldn't kill mobs on your own up to needing 50 people together as a raid to kill mobs and by the way while you learn to do that you are going to feel as though your nuts are getting tightened in a vice at regular intervals. Sojourn iterated massively on the MUDs before it. If it hadn't have been for Sojourn there would have been no EQ and all the MMOs since would have been far more like UO and Asherons Call than EQ1 and WoW.

And honestly that would have been a good thing (and I say that as someone with 5 current EQ1 gold accounts and playing EQNL as I type).


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Bullshit dude. You know as much about him and his involvement with EQ and Vanguard as me, And thats fucking ZIP NADA ZILCH. Prove me wrong.
Well, there's plenty of evidence from former employees, industry insiders, etc., if you want to look. Flight even posted a pretty detailed outline of it all. Now, maybe they are all just "jealous haters", like most of the fanatics would claim, but then you have to ask yourself - why are guys like Hartsman so highly regarded/respected, if it's all just borne out of jealousy?

What evidence do you have that Brad is such a visionary and hard worker? ZIP, NADA, ZILCH. You have onlyHISword to go on. Which at this point, obviously holds little weight. Prove me wrong! Especially since the burden of proof lies with you, being as you're the one making the claim that Brad is such an amazing talent.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Vanguard was a pile of shit that got polished after SOE stepped in an normalized things. That is not even disputable. Its development is a disaster we would STILL be talking about more than any other, if Schilling had not shit the bed so epically. We all know what went down with Brad during its development and anyone even slightly in the know acknowledges that Brad was an absent tee landlord even when he was still in control. Brining Vanguard into the discussion will NOT bolster your argument in favor of supporting Brad and you damn well know it.

Everquest was a ripoff of Sojourn and the one real contribution that Brad made to the Genre (and it was a good one) was forcing them to go full on 3d. Hell, Ultima Online did the ground breaking work of making a graphical MUD experience, as it was. But the reality of things is that anyone who was around during the early days of EQ1 (and several of us commenting were there for the entire transition from Sojourn/Toril to EQ Beta) and saw this shit first hand. including Brad basically vanishing entirely from even playing his own game once Kunark came out. Other people ran the show with Brad occasionally showing up to spew "The Vision" nonsense and veto shit that both the design team and playerbase were really pushing for. He credited SojournMUD (and weakly at that) only after the legal people jumped on his balls and he was not even the main driving force behind the lore or the game. He was a guy with the right friends, the right idea, and at the right time. No more, no less.

I get you want to justify your throwing money at the pill popper, but really objectively look at all that has come before. Asking this guy to catch lightning in a bottle again makes even less sense when you realize that he never really did it the first time around. And if you really think VG was a good game, you should be even more pissed at him since almost nothing of his original ideas made it to release and his ineptitude demolished the careers and lives of a lot of the people who worked on that game. I could care less that he is a plagerizing hack, but for the simple reason that he has more or less left a trail of ruined lives and sunk parts of the industry with him. The fact that he even has the nerve to come around pan handling again is really mind blowing. Unless of course, like me, you assume he is still an addict, then it makes total sense.


<Gold Donor>
^^No im not throwing money at him.

What evidence do you have that Brad is such a visionary and hard worker? ZIP, NADA, ZILCH.
Because he still has people willing to follow him in the industry. If he was such a no talent ass clown with no ideas of his own and absent, do you think those 12 people would be following him right now? Many of which worked with him in the past?


Trakanon Raider
mkopec_sl said:
I disagree with you on the Vanguard not being a good game part. Vanguard was a good game, it just was not finished and it was broken at release. Try not to look at all the negatives and look at some of the positives the game had.
Vanguard was what Aradune managed to accomplish with 20-30 million of other people's money. Keep in mind that he had a significant amount of oversight from Microsoft for that money, and in recent interviews he even had the gall to complain about that oversight and the decision by MS to cut further funding because once the rose colored glasses came off, execs at MS knew they had a huge money pit on their hands that was likely beyond saving. Even with MS looking over his shoulder, he couldn't keep his game on the rails.

What happens when there's zero oversight? How likely do you think it is that he'd finish the game on time and budget with Brad solely calling the shots? How many times would he come back to the crowd funding well a few years down the road?

I don't think that Brad is a bad guy, or that he's doing anything underhanded really. I think he genuinely believes that he can make a good game with this funding model. I happen to think that while he might have some decent ideas and concepts for gameplay and design, that he's an extremely poor manager/executive and the absolute wrong person to be heading something like this up. And the results of the KS speak for themselves.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>

Great post. I also think he's addicted to that fame and fortune of earlier times. He don't want to be no 'peon'. He's Brad McQuaid bitch! He don't catch lightnin'! Lightnin' come to him!

Mkopec- what real work have these guys been doing? It's easy to follow when you don't have to do shit.

"Sure, Brad, I'll jump aboard as soon as you show me something." They are smart enough to put that outlier in. It proves they really do know him.


Trakanon Raider
Because he still has people willing to follow him in the industry. If he was such a no talent ass clown with no ideas of his own and absent, do you think those 12 people would be following him right now? Many of which worked with him in the past?
In all honesty I haven't followed the KS too closely, so humor me: what industry luminaries does he have following him? What are their resumes and past projects? From what little I've seen, they're almost all bit players with no significant pedigree. Almost no one from the EQ/Verant or Vanguard/Sigil days, because those people would know what's up and want nothing to do with this shit show.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I have to admit that Pantheon has given me more entertainment in the last 30 days than any other MMO has in years. This has been pretty hilarious.