Parent Thread


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
My kid lost about 10% body weight in the hospital which is on the high end of the average range. He's already gained it back and his hair is growing already. I don't know but I think we see teeth. Either my wife has mutant powered breasts or my son is going to be a big mother fucker.
Your child may be a big mother fucker because your wife has mutant powered breasts. Don't make those things mutually exclusive. I suggest a close inspection of your wife's breasts.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
My kid lost about 10% body weight in the hospital which is on the high end of the average range. He's already gained it back and his hair is growing already. I don't know but I think we see teeth. Either my wife has mutant powered breasts or my son is going to be a big mother fucker.
My kid lost 10% also, probably because labor was a disaster and feeding him the first week was a shitshow. I learned that some kids have early teeth at birth, I forget if they are technically baby teeth or not.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Damn, teeth at birth? That would freak me the heck out. And it would probably make early breastfeeding very uncomfortable. However, each child brings his or her own challenges.

My kids all lost a crapload of weight after being born because my wife's milk always came in late, and wasn't initially sufficient. This was especially worrisome with the twins. It was necessary to supplement early on, but then we could go straight boob juice after a week or so.

My oldest three all have appointments on Monday to see if they need braces. I'm pretty sure two of them certainly do. I'm also pretty sure the younger two do, too. And not just for cosmetic reasons. There are some weird and unfortunate angles in their teeth. sigh.


Molten Core Raider
Kids REALLY slim down once they start walking

Here's my kid at 4 months, and 1 year and 4 months. He was a fatty as a baby.



Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Had our first kid a couple months ago. It's fun making him do stupid shit and collecting embarrassing pictures for future use.



Molten Core Raider
Overheard in Mr. and Mrs. Ronaan's bedroom, sometime last year:
"Oh wouldn't it be fund if she crawls out of her little bed, walks to our bedroom, and comes to cuddle with us? One day I hope we can have that!"

Fast forward to earlier today (4AM)
"Marie what are you doing here... no it's not the right time for warm milk now... NO you don't have to turn on the light ... go back to sleep, it's too early..."

Be very careful what you wish for.


Molten Core Raider
Going to brag about my kid for a moment, so you've been warned...

Quick background, kid was born 10 weeks early, was 1.5 lbs at birth, spent first 2 months of his life in an incubator in the NICU of a hospital, so very premature, and very small.

We've had quarterly meetings with a hospital-sponsored physical and speech therapist since his birth, they like to closely track the development and growth of preemies, is a program they provide free of charge until not needed, usually between the ages of 2 and 3 when a kid is mostly caught up to where they should be, developmentally.

My kid is ~21 months old, so yesterday we had our last quarterly checkup before he hits the age of 2. He met or exceeded over 50% of the developmental goals that they have for 3 year olds, much less 2 year olds. He already knows about half of the alphabet, can count to 5, and has a vocabulary of 100+ words. They said he was as developed as a typical 2.5 - 3 year old. They told us he's done, doesn't need any more checkups, he's WAY ahead of schedule developmentally for a normal kid, much less a severe preemie.

Very happy, we've been working with him really hard since day 1 on his cognitive skills, and it's damn nice to get feedback from professionals that we're doing a good job(so far).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Our boys are nearly the same age (April 3rd birthday) Joeboo, and congrats. Every baby is different, so I'm not worried, but while my son understands a whole LOT, he's not speaking at all yet other than grunts, and so we have no idea if he knows his alphabet, but probably not. Certainly not any numbers.

So rock on, your baby is bad ass!


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, girls can develop verbal skills crazy early. Friend of mine has a daughter thats about 6 months older than my kid and I swear she was conversing at like 12 months. We walked in their house and she said said "Hi Luke" (name of our kid, who was 6mo old at the time). Freaked us the hell out, seeing what was the equivalent of still a baby actually saying phrases, not just 1 word at a time.


2 Minutes Hate
My kid also knows how to log into cell phones and use them too. I knew kids learned early but I still wasn't prepared for this.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, that frightens me a bit. My kid isn't even 2 yet and can turn on my wifes cell phone and open up his Itsy Bitsy Spider game.


When they were about one year old we had to put a purchase pin for fios on demand because one of them was playing too much with the remote and bought an episode of some tv show, Defiance I think it was.


Molten Core Raider
We end up with all sorts of weird crap on our DVR when the kid gets a hold of the remote. We once had 14 hours of Channel 1, the DirecTV information channel on the DVR.