Parent Thread


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
During cold and flu season it isn't a bad idea to put out a few hand sanitizer pumps. Put one in the kitchen, one in your kids bedroom, clean your hands before feeding him, before and after changing, and so forth. Not fool proof, but I think it's a good idea. Our local elementary schools started having hand sanitizer all over the schools, and in several places in the classrooms, and encouraged the kids to use it at various times. The number of kids out with flu and who had colds drastically went down.


2 Minutes Hate
How early is too early to train your kid's micro?
It'll be about 8-10 months before your kid has enough precision to press down a single key. It'll vary, but at 9ish month my daughter could put those juice box straws through a hole. It'll be a while until they have the strength to actually push down the key.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Anyone had a toddler with constant runny nose? Most of the family was sick back in November with strep which she didn't get because she's too young, but she did end up with a cold and a runny nose. Since then she has had one basically non stop. It cleared up for a bit in December then came back. She isn't uncomfortable at all, no fever, just constant runny nose.
My 3 year old has had a runny nose off and on for about 8 months. I mentioned it to the pediatrician and they just shrugged after confirming that he was in preschool and the nose was the only symptom. The entire world is a germ factory and the immune system needs practice. They'll get over it unless it's an allergy to something non-seasonal in your household.


Molten Core Raider
So my 1.5 y.o. kid is apparently part goat

He apparently ate an entire apple core the other day

I've always given him little bite-sized pieces of apple when I'm eating one, but he seemed to indicate that he wanted an entire apple to gnaw on.

So I gave him half an apple, he sat down and starting working on it while I was cooking dinner...good distraction.

15 minutes go by and the ENTIRE apple is completely gone. Core, stem, and all. Little bastard ate the entire thing(I looked all over, thinking he just hid the core somewhere, but nope)

Seemed to have no ill effects on him, he was happy, ate something healthy, and it kept him busy for about 20 minutes. Win/win/win.


Buzzfeed Editor
The core is edible, it's fine. Plenty of people eat the whole thing. One of my daughters does that, it freaks my wife out, she does not like that at all. Whatever, at least they aren't asking for candy.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
She's going to poop an apple tree. Be sure to plant it in her own manure. It will grow best that way, and will produce sweet, sweet fruit.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I used to give my apple cores to my dog, but someone convinced me it was bad because the seeds contain poison.

FromAre Apple Seeds Poisonous?

"Apple seeds do contain a small amount of cyanide, which is a lethal poison, but you are protected from the toxin by the hard seed coating. If you eat whole apple seeds, they pass through your digestive system relatively untouched. If you chew the seeds thoroughly, you will be exposed to the chemicals inside the seeds, but the dose of toxins in an apple is small enough that your body can easily detoxify it."

So, bottom line, as long as the seeds weren't chewed, no problem. Even if they were, it was a pretty small dose, so probably not a problem. But I wouldn't let her keep doing it. Maybe core the apple next time?


Molten Core Raider
Facebook Friend just named their first kid "Canyon". WTF. I guess if nothing else, at least it was a boy, that would be an even more terrible name for a girl.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I went to high school with a kid named Kanyon. He was super fat and he walked into PE class one day and the dumb ass coach said "The Grand Kanyon!". He just stood there and the coach said "That's gotta be old." It was a very uncomfortable moment.


Buzzfeed Editor
Ha, premade porn names, all the new rage.

We're about to move my 5 year old (6 in a month or so) down to her own room in the basement. We have some stuff to get done before that can happen. Right now she shares a room and a bed with her sister, who is going to be fucking CRUSHED when this happens. But it has to happen, they are at an age where they just egg each other on and create bad situations.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
If I have two kids who have to share the same living space, when they start fighting over stupid crap I'm going to find a way to provide them a common enemy to band together against.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Facebook Friend just named their first kid "Canyon". WTF. I guess if nothing else, at least it was a boy, that would be an even more terrible name for a girl.
For such parents i hope theyll one day marry a distinct relative of Gen. Grant; Introducing yourself as Grant, Canyon could end up in some epic laughs/stories.


Buzzfeed Editor
If I have two kids who have to share the same living space, when they start fighting over stupid crap I'm going to find a way to provide them a common enemy to band together against.
The common enemy would probably be me.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Who ever told me that at 4 month, the new born will sleep through out the night lied to my face. 4 months still nightly 4 AM feeding sessions =(


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Every kid is different. You guys will find your stride. And the first night your kid sleeps through, you'll wake up feeling guilty and panicy, thinking they must clearly have died in the night, and you were just too tired to notice.

It will happen. Sleep will come.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Our 3 month old goes down at 7:30ish and usually wakes up sometime between 4 and 6 am. Its a joy when he makes it closer to 6.