Parent Thread


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Yeah, we're working on the milkshake angle. Trouble is, he got my tastes, and I don't like sweet foods like ice cream, whipped cream, or milk shake type things. He is drinking the Carnation chocolate/vanilla milk things, so we're trying to introduce fruit, heavy cream, and protein powder into those things like chaos suggested above. He doesn't love it, and it's still work to get him to down it.

On the plus side, I think he'll likely eat a great big steak every night, so I may be cooking pantloads of beef for him for dinner. Maybe beef milkshakes?

Ugh, I hate this. Fighting about eating sucks the balls. I hope we get this weight on him in short order, and, in the process, develop better eating habits for him.


<Bronze Donator>
If he doesn't like sweets, have you tried peanut butter? I mean, basically, nuts. Just find a way to pack some protein in there.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
He's a weird kid. Doesn't like sweets, doesn't like ketchup, and absolutely loathes any kind of nut. Peanut Butter is a most hated substance. You're all beginning to understand the difficulty, here.


Buzzfeed Editor
I was totally going to suggest a peanut butter milkshake.

You can do the beef angle. I made some carnitas over the weekend, shit is LOADED with quality calories.


Buzzfeed Editor
Does he like pizza rolls and ranch? I think we may have this one solved. Thanks, McCheese!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
While I understand the need and want for healthy calories, at the 0 percentile range, I would be offering him anything and everything. Exactly as said, pizza rolls with ranch, etc. Everything that's been said has been pretty healthy, but what about un-healthy to deal with this current situation?


Silver Squire
That weight is really low for that age and possibly an indicator of a larger issue. At this point anything you get into him is preferable to not eating. Pizza, rice, pasta, cheese what ever.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah as long as he keeps active you don't need to worry too much about him getting overweight from bad calories, it sounds like your kid is damn near a ghost. My friend's son outweighed your kid by the time he was 3.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
He's incredibly active, plays hockey several times a week, for example, and he has energy. I'm making him out to be a really fussy eater, and he isn't. He eats veg and all that, just so little of it, that it's not sufficient. He takes a couple bites and says he's stuffed. I think meds are a big part of this problem, but he is so unhappy with himself when he's not on the meds that we really don't want to take him off them.

But, you're all right, anything we can get in him is good, and he does like pizza rolls and he does like ranch, so this may be a McCheese solution! I did find a chocolate/vanilla/strawberry milk drink that's high in protein and has something like 360 calories a cup that he loves, so he has been pounding that. And tonight he ate 10 Chinese pot stickers after hockey, so I'm not too worried, I would just like to get him growing.

Sigh, kids are simple, no?


Molten Core Raider
lurkingdirk, what does your pediatrician have to say about your sons size/weight? That seems almost frighteningly small for a 7 year old. My 21 month old weighs about 27 lbs(He's like 80th percentile for height, 60th for weight for his age). I can't even fathom him only gaining ~10 lbs over the next 5 years


Trakanon Raider
Does he like pepperoni sticks? They suck for salt content but are pretty calorie dense otherwise. 2-3 per day could easily introduce another 350-500 calories. My kid can eat them non stop so I had to quit buying them.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
lurkingdirk, what does your pediatrician have to say about your sons size/weight? That seems almost frighteningly small for a 7 year old. My 21 month old weighs about 27 lbs(He's like 80th percentile for height, 60th for weight for his age). I can't even fathom him only gaining ~10 lbs over the next 5 years
His doctor isn't too worried, but says it is time to push this diet and get him gaining weight. So, we're proceeding in that way.

Does he like pepperoni sticks? They suck for salt content but are pretty calorie dense otherwise. 2-3 per day could easily introduce another 350-500 calories. My kid can eat them non stop so I had to quit buying them.
He does love pepperoni. We got him some beef jerky, and that seems to be a winner. Good thought, thanks!


Blackwing Lair Raider
lurkingdirk, what does your pediatrician have to say about your sons size/weight? That seems almost frighteningly small for a 7 year old. My 21 month old weighs about 27 lbs(He's like 80th percentile for height, 60th for weight for his age). I can't even fathom him only gaining ~10 lbs over the next 5 years
It does seem small. My daughter is the same age and outweighs him by 10 pounds and she's only 25% percentile in weight for a girl. Now she had a lot of the same issues eating early. Eating at school once she got to elementary really helped a lot (eating with friends actively encourages them to eat stuff they wouldn't normally eat at home). And I agree, if he likes ranch dressing use it. Ranch goes with anything if your a kid.


<Gold Donor>
@Lurking - Have you exploredStratteraas an option? My younger cousin went through a few drugs and struggled with loss of appetite until he finally tried Strattera. I do not recall the science exactly, but I believe it is not a stimulant so it works different on the receptors and is less likely to cause loss of appetite. It still can cause loss of appetite however it is less common than drugs considered to be stimulants.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
@Lurking - Have you exploredStratteraas an option? My younger cousin went through a few drugs and struggled with loss of appetite until he finally tried Strattera. I do not recall the science exactly, but I believe it is not a stimulant so it works different on the receptors and is less likely to cause loss of appetite. It still can cause loss of appetite however it is less common than drugs considered to be stimulants.
He's actually on the smallest possible dose of two, one of them being Strattera. You're right, it's a non-stimulant, and not an appetite suppressant, but it was also not sufficient to be the lone drug. What it does do is prevent the crash when the other medication wears off, turning my child into a hate-spewing evil spawn of satan angry demon being. Emotional/mental crashes around 4-5 PM with a morning dosage medication is pretty common in young children on meds of this sort, and Strattera levels that out. It's a 24 hour drug that builds up in your system, and just helps things be easier to keep even emotionally.

Ugh. This is a 6 year old. Fucking medication.

On the plus side, we've gotten about 1,500 calories in him every day for a week. Doesn't sound like much, maybe, but it's progress. If he ends up a fattie in ten years, I'm going to have to sue someone. Maybe chocolate milk.


<Gold Donor>
Our buddy Curt Schilling in the news again.

Mad World NewsAngry Dad Goes Full BEAST MODE, Gets REVENGE On Daughter??Ts Bullies

If you are a dad this is something you well know already, if you are a dad with a daughter this is likely to get your blood going. If you are a boy, or young man, or husband, and you haven't experienced children yet, or haven't had a daughter, it's next to impossible for you to understand.

My daughter, my one and only daughter, has worked her a** off playing sports the past 9-10 years. She's loved it, and I've loved being able to both watch, and coach along the way.

Last week we were told she'd been accepted to college and will begin playing softball there next year.

Clearly an incredibly proud day.


And tweets with the word rape, bloody underwear and pretty much every other vulgar and defiling word you could likely fathom began to follow.

Now let me emphasize again. I was a jock my whole life. I played sports my whole life. Baseball since I was 5 until I retired at 41. I know clubhouses. I lived in a dorm. I get it. Guys will be guys. Guys will say dumb crap, often. But I can't ever remember, drunk, in a clubhouse, with best friends, with anyone, ever speaking like this to someone.


My daughter comes to me beyond upset. She didn't do anything, she never said anything, yet she's now receiving personal messages with guys saying things to her, well let's just say I can't repeat and I'm getting beyond angry thinking about it. Her boyfriend, a wicked good hockey player who has a fighting streak I absolutely love is going out of his mind to be let off his leash but unlike the athletes tweeting this stuff he understands the potential consequences of his actions and knows the time and place will hopefully come when he can make it right on his own terms.

These boys have yet to understand one of life's most important lessons. In the real world you get held accountable for the things you say and if you are not careful that can mean some different things.


This is a generation of kids who have grown up behind the monitor and keyboard. The real world has consequences when you do and say things about others. We're at a point now where you better be sure who you're going after.

If I was a deranged protective dad I could have been face to face with any of these people in less than 4 hours. I know every one of their names, their parents, where they go to school, what they do, what team they are on, their positions, stats, all of it. I had to do almost nothing to get ANY of that information because it is all public.

What part of talking about a young woman, my daughter or not, makes you even consider the possibility that this is either funny or makes you tough?


The ignorance and pathetic lack of morals or of any integrity is astounding.

These aren't thugs, tough guys or bad a**es, these aren't kids who've had it rough, they aren't homeless or orphans, these are pretty much ALL white, affluent, college attending children, and I mean children.

A mistake is tweeting once and saying "damn, I'm an idiot" and taking it down. These guys? They're making conscious choices to cyberbully an amazing and beautiful young woman on the internet, that none of them know by the way, because they don't like her dad or they somehow think saying words you can teach a 5 year old is tough? Cool? Bad a**? Something I am missing? My right hand to God I promise all of you that tweeted this stuff, the friends around you saying "dude that's hilarious" and "OMG that's awesome"? Those people? Inside they're actually thinking "what an a**#$!Q" and "holy crap what a piece of trash", no matter what they say to your face.

Ladies? If any of these guys is your boyfriend you're in for a real rude awakening.

Lastly? Not one of these gutless clowns would even think of saying a word of ANY of this in person.

After Twitter Users Threaten To Rape His Daughter, Curt Schilling Shares Their Identities - Fox Nation

ROFL this is a comment from the second link, the guy is either a troll or serious ... either way it is hilarious.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Female softball player at the college level has a boyfriend? Seems suspicious.